Here’s How to Embrace the Power of Social Media for Your Brand

Believe it or not, having a strong social media presence is a must for nearly every brand to survive in this fierce digital space. These days, people access information about businesses on social media and their purchase decisions are based on information read and witnessed on social media.

Of course, social proof, influencer marketing and testimonials matter most, but real-time engagement is the next big thing for businesses. Social media is the place where brands need to be proactively engaged with their audiences to be successful.

Let’s find out some ways that help digital marketing agencies, startups and midsize businesses to enhance their social presence and how you can make your brand the preferred choice for your customers.

Share Wisely

In the social media world, you need to continually engage with your existing customers. At the same time, you need to make some efforts to expand and improve your business operations. Consumers want brands to be there to help them 24/7 on every social media channel they use.

But the dilemma is, some brands pay attention to a few networks regularly.
You need to figure out on which channels your target audience spends most of its time. Don’t try to be present everywhere, focus your efforts where your customers live online. This will make your life easier.

Don’t’ be Overly Promotional

If the first thing you post to your Facebook account is a link to your products or landing page, chances are customers will block or unfollow you faster than you can say “sales”. Keep in mind that your primary sales efforts can’t happen through social media. It is a trust building platform, so make sure to build trust with your followers first.

Deliver Value

Try to share some informative, valuable, entertaining and sometimes off-topics. It shows that your brand is reliable and has a lot of information about the industry you are working in. Life can’t be serious all of the time; it’s recommended that you also share some funny posts, GIFs and memes to create user engagement. A little dose of humor once in a while is a great thing, just make sure to do it tastefully.

Earn the Trust of Your Followers

As your brand becomes an authentic name in the industry, consumers will start relying on the information you share with them. If truth be told, social media is the smartest yet easiest way to convey information to your consumers. Regularly posting useful and informative articles on social media will increase your chances of getting more followers and in the end, their trust.

Engage with Your Followers

The best part of social media is its interactive nature. Unlike TV ads, print media, email campaigns and landing pages, social media gives you and your customers an opportunity to talk to each other. Get the most out of it and if someone makes a comment on your Facebook page or tweets a question to you, respond to them quickly. So, be flexible, show your audience that you really care about them and are listening to them.

Run Social Media Marketing Campaigns

If you want to get the most out of social media, then you can simply go for paid social media marketing campaigns and sponsored posts as well. These paid social media campaigns become visible to more users than just those that are directly connected to your brand. These affordable marketing campaigns can make it possible for businesses to offer more promotions and special offers for their customers.

Focus on Mobile

In today’s world of smartphones, it is important to focus on mobile first especially if you want to dominate the world of social media. Make sure your website is responsive, easy to navigate, clutter-free and simple. Also ensure the purchase process is simpler and easier, suitable for mobile devices, so that the audience can buy what they want using their smartphones. The simpler you make the purchase process for them, the more likely you’ll be to close the sale.

Closing Thoughts

Social media can be a great platform, provided you use it right. Focus your efforts on building relationships with your followers and spending your time on delivering more value. Don’t try to directly sell people, otherwise you might put them off.

So, increase your base of fans and followers, provide value to them while harnessing the power of social media, grow your reach and build your business.

Irfan Ahmed Khan

Irfan Ak is a brand strategist, digital marketing expert and a blogger. He is a passionate digital strategist. Currently, associated with Branex - a leading web design agency in Toronto. He has worked with various other brands and created value for them.

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