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Getting Ready for a New Baby

If you are pregnant, and you are soon to give birth, then you must be freaking out. Of course, this is all natural, and it is perfectly normal to feel scared. If this is your first time, it is extremely important not to transfer your stress to your baby, as it can influence the course and the duration of the pregnancy. If you already went through this, then you must be already familiar with the list we have prepared for the “new” mothers. We’ll try and mention some of the most important things every new mother should know, and some of the things she should expect.

Find the right doctor

One of the most important things is choosing the right doctor. You should ask around about a particular doctor and make your decision based on that info. The right obstetricians (a doctor who specialized in managing pregnancy, labor and the short period following childbirth) must have an understanding for all kinds of questions, patience and previous experience. Another important doctor that you must choose is the pediatrician, who will take care of your baby after birth, and guide you through its childhood. These may seem like stupid things to think about now, but it can be very important to only have one doctor for your child, who will guide it from the earliest stages, and even through adolescence. One doctor will be better suited, because he or she will remember the history of the child much better, and will know which medicines work and those that do not, and how sensitive the child is to some procedures. It may even evolve in a kind of friendship, and when any problem arises, you will ask for help not only from a doctor, but from a friend as well.

Prepare your home

The house or flat where you live is decorated and equipped according to your own needs. You have probably selected a room which you want to turn into a nursery, where you want your baby to sleep, and where its toys will be kept. Some mothers like to sleep with their children during the first few weeks after childbirth, as separation can be quite difficult. But be careful, if you turn around in your sleep, not to hurt your newborn. Maybe the best solution is that you have a cradle near you and your partner’s bed, and to put the baby there once it is asleep. After a few weeks, you can place the baby in a nursery room, where it can get the much needed sleep and rest, as babies can sleep up to 16 hours during the first month.

Dress your baby

Be prepared to dress up your baby for different seasons. This is a really difficult subject, as people have different opinions on how much you actually need to dress your baby. Babies do not have a fully developed center in their brains that regulates their body temperature, because they relied on their mother’s belly to create the temperature for them. That is why babies must be dressed very well during colder periods, but dressed lightly during the summer, as they cannot sweat properly. During the summer, the clothes must cover as much skin as possible, only to protect it from the dangerous UV rays. There are some great stores where you can find all the clothes you could possibly need.

In the end, when childbirth comes, just be calm. Many women claim it to be one of the most surreal experiences in their lives, and while it might not look like it, it is the moment life is brought to this world. A new mother should try and stay healthy as it directly impacts the health of the child. Approach your chosen doctor with questions you might have about the course of the pregnancy, and the health of your child. He, or she, will provide you with tips for feeding and caring for your baby, and how you should babyproof your house, and where your baby can sleep. In the end, you should have clothes ready for the baby, as they are very delicate, and their bodies can cool quickly. Above all, love your baby, and care for it, and one day, you will fondly remember this period, as it will pass in a blink of an eye.