Get Fit and Healthy: 4 Things Usually Neglected

Summer is a season of vacations and everybody likes to spend days relaxing on a beautiful beach. Working hard is really exhausting, and in some cases it can even seriously damage our health. This is the case with people who spend most of their workday  on their feet, and experience pain in the legs or on the other hand, people who sit all day and have a back pain.  A nice long holiday is necessary to restore energy and to relax our beat up nervous system. However, sometimes we feel insecure about our body, and instead of enjoying the summer we spend it worrying how we will look on the beach.  Here are 4 ways that will help you sculpt the perfect body and boost your confidence.

1. BMI (Body Mass Index) – don’t be afraid of numbers


First thing you need to do is to identify the problem areas and work on them. Calculate your body mass index in order to find out what is your ideal weight. You can do it by using BMI calculator or manually using this simple formula: weight / height x height. For instance if you are 180cm tall and you weigh 60 kg, your BMI is as follows:

180 cm is 1,8 m, so 1,8 x 1,8 = 3,24, and your BMI is 60 kg / 3,24 = 18.5.

From 18.5 to 24.9 your body mass index is healthy. However, bear in mind that this doesn’t calculate the muscle-to-fat ratio, so incredibly fit and strong people may have a higher BMI due to muscle mass, which is perfectly healthy. Once you find out what your BMI is, it’s time for a workout.

2. Cardio exercise – it’s not just the look, your health is also important

This is by far, the healthiest way to lose extra pounds. Jogging in the mornings, riding a bike or swimming on a regular basis will significantly improve your overall health. You will burn calories a lot easier and will be able to make a few mistakes in your diet. People who stand all day at work are more prone to having health issues with their legs and posture in general. So, don’t starve yourself, as you will only ruin your health, but do some cardio exercises that are both healthy and fun. Join some classes like Yoga or Pilates, or simply do it yourself at home. Combining these with cardio exercises will keep you engaged and motivated.

3. Think about what you eat – reduce the calorie intake

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As mentioned before, don’t starve yourself, since it won’t bring you any good. You can keep a food diary, which will help you see how much calories you actually take in. Changing the diet means nothing if you don’t change the lifestyle. Only when you combine calorie counting with other healthy habits will you see the results. You’ll need plenty of energy to go through each day, so never skip breakfast. An early breakfast gives you more time to burn the calories. Eating just before bed isn’t a good idea, since we tend to let go and gorge on snacks when no one can see us, and it can cause sleeping problems.

4. Water, water and then again, more water

Staying hydrated is essential, not just for your health, but also for a sexy look. The usual cause for headaches is actually dehydration – regular hydration prevents kidney diseases and gives your skin a clean and shiny look. Water also fills up your stomach, making you feel full, so you won’t need that “just a small bite this time” snack in between meals.

Turn these four steps into habits, and don’t try to do it only in the summer. Let it become your lifestyle and you will be much happier with the way you look. Your body will be thankful, and you’ll prevent a lot of health issues. Yes, the first morning of running may be difficult and exhausting, and you may feel like that was the last time that you did something like that, but be determined –  you will start to enjoy it soon enough. After just a few times you won’t be able to imagine a morning without it.


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Nemanja Manojlovic

Nemanja is an enthusiastic researcher who likes to focus his attention on topics ranging from martial arts, weight loss, fitness and cooking, to interpersonal communication, motivation and productivity. He believes that training the body and the mind consistently is the secret to achieving success, and he enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with others.

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