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Equip Your Car for Anything

Have you heard about Murphy’s Law – that states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, and usually at the worst possible time. That’s why everyone’s motto should be better safe than sorry, and it is especially important when talking about our own vehicles. When going on a trip, make sure not only to check the whole car and to see if everything is working properly, but also remember to pack everything that might help you, if the need ever arises.


Cars get broken all the time, and flat tires are extremely common, and that is why you need to always have a spare tire, and never ever should you remove it from your trunk so that you have more space for some other things. But, having a spare tire is simply not enough, you’ll also need to have a safety reflective vest that will notify everyone that something is moving on the road, while the safety triangle should be placed at a safe distance so that others would know the lane is occupied. Once you’ve set up everything, you’ll also need all kinds of tools to change that tire, including a jack to lift the car, and a lug wrench to safely dismount the wheel. If something else has been broken, try and find the nearest repair shop, as you can do more damage if you try to repair it yourself.

Health kit

First aid kits can come in handy and are required by law in some states, so make sure to have one fully equipped in your trunk. Every kit should have a certain number of things, and if you are ever in an accident where somebody got hurt, you will have a way of helping them. We do not like thinking about it, but we have to be prepared for anything, and that is why we must remember our first aid training, or in case you forgot it, read the guide that is inside the box. You will find everything that you might need there… band aids to stop a smaller bleeding, a gauze to cover open wounds, while scissors can be useful anytime. We also advise that you have a flashlight that you could use in case you get stuck, so that you could signal others, or look for a safe way to pass.

Mobile Phone

Another important tool that you must have if you are planning on traveling is – your mobile phone. It is also something that could easily save your life one day, so make sure that it is always fully charged. There are special chargers that can be used in vehicles and you’ll need that adapter. If your mobile phone drains battery in a matter of hours, we suggest that you have a portable battery which can hold one or two charges that you can use in emergencies to call for help. Installing a signal booster in your vehicle is also something everyone should think about, as it can amplify even the weakest signal, and give you the opportunity to browse the internet, receive important calls, or call emergency services, even when in remote places.