Different Types of Security Systems

Security systems include different sets of sensors, devices and, in some cases, human staff, all of which have one common goal, and that is the protection of personnel and property from different hazards such as flooding, fire, and crimes. Each security system is designed and focused on only one area, and that is why, when thinking about the security of your business or residential space, you must cover all the options.

Fire sensors

Kitchen Fire

Simple smoke detectors are available in every store, and can be bought for a small fee. They can be easily installed and become the first line of protection against fires. Make sure to buy only those smoke detectors that have all the certification. Smoke alarms can detect early smoke as an indicator of fire, and afterwards they can provide the residents with an audio-visual notification. Smoke detectors can also be used to prevent smoking in certain areas. They are usually powered by a power source in the form of a battery. Smoke detectors can work for a prolonged period of time and are able to notify you if the battery power source is running low. Make sure to regularly check if they are working properly. Carbon monoxide sensors can also be used, although they are not as fast as ordinary smoke detectors. These sensors are designed to give you enough time to react to smoke before it turns into flame, and to extinguish if possible, or to evacuate safely. They can be integrated with your other alarm systems so that everything is controlled from one control unit.

Flooding sensors

Flooded Basement

Water can do as much damage as fire, but it is not as deadly. It is especially dangerous in basements, where a pipe can burst, and you will find out about it once it is already too late. Special water sensors can be installed, and are usually located on the floor where they can detect the presence of water or any other liquid. Sensors will create an audible alarm if certain conditions are met, which will give you enough time to react properly and call emergency services for a quick repair. Water can especially do a lot of damage in dedicated server rooms, laboratories, or any other room where electricity is used, so try and place them there. Even a small amount of water can cause electrical equipment to malfunction, which may lead to loss of data and other types of physical damage.

Intruder sensors


This includes a wide range of sensors and corresponding alarms that are designed to prevent intrusion, detect it, and notify you or the authorities. This is an extremely important aspect of home and business security – as burglary is very common. This includes physical barriers, such as security shutters, gates or access points where you must provide a password before gaining entry. Other security measures can include motion detection sensors that are connected to the central unit where the information is processed. Most commonly, motion sensors work by detecting infrared heat signals from the environment and if a change is detected, it will sound an alarm. Of course, alarms could be armed or turned off, or even set to silent. This will improve the response time for you or the police and prevent further damage to your property. Having a security system installed will not only alert you, but will also act as a deterrent, making your home or office space a less likely target for intrusion. You can even have an alarm monitoring service, which includes someone to actively monitor your offices and handle all notifications in order to prevent false alarms or call for correct emergency services if needed.

We have talked about the three most common occurrences that can damage your property and present a threat to your health and those around you. In the worst case scenario, it can even lead to death, and that is why you must take these things quite seriously. That is why you should always hire a professional who can not only install all security equipment correctly, but can also provide you with some further tips about increasing the overall security. The more money you invest, the more secure and efficient protection system you will have, and some of those features might save your property, or your life someday.

Vladimir Zivanovic

Vladimir Zivanovic is a Project Manager here at MyCity-Web and a part-time blogger with a Master’s degree in English language and literature from University of Belgrade. He is responsible for communication, including status reporting, project preparation, and, in general, making sure the project is delivered in budget, on schedule, and within scope. His main interests are computer technologies and he is a great gaming enthusiast, especially for World of Warcraft, which he has been playing since the beginning. When he is not playing games or reading epic fantasy, he is saving up to buy the newest mobile phone, as he is lost without one. He also loves surfing the internet, finding interesting facts, and using them when someone least expects it. Doing an exhaustive research is very important for Vlada, as everything needs to be supported by hard facts. He regularly posts on his Lifehack and LinkedIn profile.

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