Differences between Residential and Commercial Roofing

It’s easy to think that a roof is always a roof, and that residential and commercial roofs are technically the same thing, just on a different scale. The truth is there are quite a few differences between residential and commercial roofs. Here are the main differences between these two different types.

Roofing Design

roof design

One of the biggest differences between residential and commercial roofing is related to the design. Commercial roofs are often either completely flat or have just a slight slope. This is due to flat roofs being a bit easier to build on large structures, such as shopping centres. Therefore, the design of the roof is much more important and you often have limited options available. The flat nature of the roof, together with the larger surface area, makes it more demanding to take care of as well. Commercial roofing often requires much closer attention and has a shorter maintenance schedule. On the other hand, residential roofs tend to have steep slopes and the design isn’t as limited, as the covered area tends to be smaller and therefore, it won’t put much pressure on the structure. Maintaining a residential roof in good condition is also easier, although you still need regular maintenance to keep it in good condition.

Roofing Material

roofing types

The above also means that residential and commercial roofs differ somewhat with the materials they use. When deciding upon the material, whether it is a residential or a commercial building, you need to consider the following:

  • The budget available for the project
  • The weather conditions that the material has to withstand
  • Maintenance (such as cost) of the roofing material

Although there are many roofing materials that are available for both residential and commercial roofs, the above three points might make the material unusable in specific project. Some materials are commonly used only in commercial buildings, mainly because of their strength and ability to cover wider areas with lower costs. These materials include modified bitumen and Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer. Both residential and commercial buildings often use asphalt shingle as a roofing material. On top of this, residential homes have a wide variety of eco-friendly roofing materials available, which might not be suitable or cost-effective for commercial roofs.

Fixing Roofing Problems

Repair roof

Because of the above differences, it is essential that you find the right roofing services for your project. Residential roofing contractors might not be able to fix commercial roofs properly and vice versa. If you have a roof-related problem, always check with the contractor whether they are experienced with the specific design and type. Many larger roofing companies can often provide specialised services for both types, but smaller businesses might only have expertise in one of the areas.

Roofing contractors specialised for either residential or commercial roofs can also help you decide what roofing material might be best for your project. It is always a good idea to consult these contractors before you make the final decision, as certain roofing materials might be cheaper to install, but the maintenance costs might be very expensive.

Vladimir Zivanovic

Vladimir Zivanovic is a Project Manager here at MyCity-Web and a part-time blogger with a Master’s degree in English language and literature from University of Belgrade. He is responsible for communication, including status reporting, project preparation, and, in general, making sure the project is delivered in budget, on schedule, and within scope. His main interests are computer technologies and he is a great gaming enthusiast, especially for World of Warcraft, which he has been playing since the beginning. When he is not playing games or reading epic fantasy, he is saving up to buy the newest mobile phone, as he is lost without one. He also loves surfing the internet, finding interesting facts, and using them when someone least expects it. Doing an exhaustive research is very important for Vlada, as everything needs to be supported by hard facts. He regularly posts on his Lifehack and LinkedIn profile.

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