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Dealing with the Blues

Some times are more opportune than others. Sunshine can make you close your eyes and beam, or cause a headache and tire you. Our moods are truly fascinating, as they are often unpredictable. Sometimes, life happens, and we stay stuck behind drawn curtains, without any strength to open them. Depression can be severe, and in a lot of cases, it should be dealt with under specialist supervision. However, not every malcontent appears in full form, and sometimes we have the power in us to beat it without any help. Displeasure, despondency and unwillingness are often temporary, and occur as a side effect of hard work, bad relationships or poor health. There are a lot of ways of fighting them away, and all of those offer a glimpse of a more vigorous and joyous life.

A Health Checkup

Before you diagnose yourself with melancholia or dispiritedness, and start working on a cure, pay a visit to the doctor. It’s always good to hear an expert’s opinion, as it might reassure and encourage you. Depression is always a symptom of biological malfunction, and can be connected with several aspects concerning our physical health. Brain function, more accurately, the limbic system, is responsible for our emotions, for it is the commander of hormone glands and neurotransmitters. The Endocrine system is another significant party in hormone control, and you’ll have to be sure that it’s alive and well before starting with the treatment. However acute it all may sound, sometimes the cause behind hormonal imbalance is less serious than you might expect. If there’s medically nothing wrong with you, it’s most probable that your unhappiness is produced by birth control pills, irregular sleep and diet, or simply, too much stress.  Be that as it may, checking your health is a number one step, which mustn’t be skipped.

A Line Between Day and Night

Once you are positive that your bad mood is not a symptom of some other illness, you may smile for the first time, since that means that there is nothing seriously wrong with you, and more importantly, you can get well without medicaments. That, however, doesn’t mean that you won’t have to make any effort. Since your discontent is a consequence of the lifestyle you’ve been leading, you’ll have to start changing it. The most effective way of doing so is by making a clean cut. In this case, planning is most probably not going to get you far, and its best to simply get up in the morning and start putting your thoughts into action. The first thing you’ll need to do is separating day from night, which means getting you sleep cycle in order. You’re probably dealing with insomnia at night, and sleeping all the way through the day, which propels a vicious circle you can’t get out of. There are many techniques that can help you out. You can reset your cycle by trying to endure the whole day without sleeping, or you can stimulate your night sleep with melatonin or valerian. Get informed on every method and choose the one that suites you best.

Poison of Choice

There is one particular remedy for heartache that we have all tried out. Although, the remedy is not an exact description, since everything it does is help us make the situation even worse. The case is nothing less than paradoxical – instead of doing something that makes us happy, we stay in front of the TV, crying our eyes off. A bucket of ice cream, tons of pizza and other comfort food, and unavoidably Casablanca, become our only consolation. And the only rule is the sadder, the better. So if you’re feeling a little down these days, try to avoid these sorrowful habits. As an alternative, try cooking. A healthy, home-cooked meal will boost your energy and cheer you up to the fullest. And the process itself will give you something to focus on, and get your mind off disquieting thoughts. Make a carefree playlist with music for dancing and relaxing. Choose your soul food carefully, for art should elevate you and make you brave. Instead of tragic dramas, search for comedies, or even better, animated films and movies for children. Their world view is the most warming and encouraging one, and their music and colors will lift your spirits like nothing else.


Some things in life we just have to do by ourselves, but getting rid of the blues is not one of them. No one can help you decide on changing your daily rituals for sure, but support from your closest ones will most certainly guide you through. If your megrims are caused by loneliness in the first place, and you feel isolated from your friends and family, reach out. However artificial modern communication might seem, it offers an invaluable means of getting in touch with those you hold dearest, even when the distance between you is fierce. Sometimes, a long, honest talk over the phone can make things better even for a while. When, however, heart to heart conversations are not of much help, and you still long for a human touch, you can get the next best thing – a pet friend. Investing your feelings and time in a purring cat or a tail-wagging dog is the most fruitful undertaking. Numerous studies have shown how pets can help depression treatment, and all of them are pretty tenable. A pets’ love is unconditional and the friendship they offer is undemanding. Also, taking care of another being will give you the sense of routine and make your time more meaningful.

Pleasures and Rituals

However you decide to defeat your mood troubles, little indulgences are absolutely necessary. In fact, those should be prescribed by every doctor before the medical treatment, for their shortage is usually what makes us depressed in the first place. If we let everything be more important than those brief moments of pure happiness, then where’s the joy in it? Life should be about balance, and satisfaction is a big part of it. Even more, the satisfaction of the soul and mind is the fuel and the purpose, and not much can be done without it. For that reason, don’t let the day pass by without doing something that makes you feel good about the universe and your place in it. If that means postponing your assignments for a couple of minutes, there is no harm in that. As a matter of fact, your work will be done faster and with less effort if you have treated yourself with something gratifying previously. Take a long bath, eat a chocolate chip cookie and work on your coloring book. Dance alone with one hand waving free and drink a lot of tea. Little thrills make life what it really is – a messed up, enchanting adventure.