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Customize Your Workplace

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Make a change

You spend eight hours a day (and sometimes even more) in an office that is not such a good sight to look at? White walls and tons of papers and files on your desk and around it? Nothing to motivate you to work harder, but only to drain life away from you? A few little things that are not time and money consuming can change the atmosphere in your workplace considerably. Small changes can do miracles and make your office a place where you wouldn’t mind spending a third of your day!


Start with the walls of your office. If your employer doesn’t let you change the color, you can at least put some of your personal things on shelves and walls.

Your personal bookshelf

Put all your favorite books on a shelf, so you can chill on your coffee break while reading your favorite excerpt. Books can change your life – your views, goals and way of thinking, so whatever you used to read and whatever left a certain impression on you should be found on that shelf. This will help you go through a hard day at work and it might even give you some good ideas that you can incorporate in your work.


Organize your work on a board – this will help you remember all the thing you need to do. You can pin some photos and some notes to guide you through your work schedule. If you are a workaholic and you tend to forget important events, birthdays and anniversaries because you put a lot of effort in what you do, then a simple reminder on your whiteboard or a pin board will make you a better father, boyfriend, husband…


Clear your desk – don’t be untidy and let all the unnecessary things pile up on your desk, leaving you no space for proper functioning. A few stationery items and a framed photo of your dearest ones will be enough. It is proven that a well organized desk can make your stress level lower because you won’t get the feeling that you need to tidy it up and it is not going to be another thing that can attribute to your bad mood, when something goes wrong.


Spending too much time sitting can mean an unhealthy life. Why? Well, your whole system will be less immune if you are not physically active. In addition, this position can be very bad for your spine if you are not sitting properly and if you have an uncomfortable chair. Bring your own chair to sit in, this is not a thing that you should be ashamed of – people do this all the time. Your health is the most important thing and you wouldn’t like to start feeling back pain, caused by constant hunching in front of your computer. This can lead to some big spinal problems such as herniated discs, inflamed nerves and painful joints.

Who says that it needs to be plain and boring

Customize your working space a little bit – it will be a simple change that can mean a lot. Your surroundings influence your mental and physical health, so you might as well put a little effort into making your working hours less boring.