The Crucial Features to Look for When Choosing a Web Hosting Provider

There are quite a lot of web hosting companies out there and many of them offer remarkable features, so it can sometimes be really difficult to cut through the jargon and choose the right one for your needs. There are a lot of factors to consider before making the final decision and you certainly should not make that decision lightly.

Unfortunately, this is where many business owners make a mistake, since they don’t give much credit to the importance of having a good web host and they end up with a website that keeps crashing for no obvious reason or experiences multiple other issues. They don’t put any time into thinking about their needs and researching a particular web host thoroughly, so they end up with choosing one that offers them poor service.

Having a good web hosting provider is absolutely crucial for the success of your overall business, since choosing a low-quality web hosting service can negatively impact your SEO ranking, your website security and, most importantly, your income. So, read on to find out what the most essential features of a good web host are and choose the best one that fits your needs.


Site Backup

Your web hosting provider needs to offer you great backup services, so that you don’t lose any of your data if something bad happens. They need to backup your data on a regular basis, as well as offer you the option of backing up your files yourself via the control panel. Some web hosting providers back up data every 24 hours or even several times throughout the day, so you need to make sure the web host you choose is able to provide you with that kind of service.

If your website happens to be hacked or it crashes for some other reason, your web hosting provider must be able to restore all of your data, so that is the main reason why they need to do regular backups.


Server Uptime

Server Speed

Server uptime is another extremely important feature you need to look for when searching for your web host. The web hosting provider you choose should offer you at least 99.99% uptime, since anything less leaves room for downtimes many times a week. A good web host needs to have fast servers and a good network connection, so that you don’t experience any malfunctions with your website.

You want your website to function perfectly at all times and to provide the visitors to your site with the best user experience. If your uptime is slow, your visitors may not wait for your page to load, but they may instead move on to another site. If your web host manages to make your website function at a great speed, you will most certainly attract more visitors and, thus, drive more traffic to your website.


Storage and Bandwidth

Server Storage Options

Although many web hosts offer unlimited storage and unlimited bandwidth, it turns out that many times it is not quite so. Once you reach the limit of what is “normal site usage” for them, you find out that you don’t actually have the unlimited amount of data you can store, or the unlimited amount of bandwidth, for that matter.

If you expect on getting thousands, or even millions of visitors to your website, you will definitely need a web host that has servers to support your needs and ensure your website can handle high traffic. Therefore, your web host needs to offer you upgrades to your account, so that it can easily accommodate any changes you may need to make.


Tech Support

Tech Support Operator

Tech support is one of the most important features you need to look for when choosing your web hosting provider. If your website happens to crash, for instance, you need to be able to deal with that problem immediately, so your web host must offer you tech support via e-mail, phone or live chat.

You need to make sure your web host is available to you at all times, so you need to find out if they offer tech support 24/7 before you make your final decision about them. Make sure they have an excellent and reliable tech support team that can offer you fast and high-quality services whenever you need them.



Five Star Review - Reputation Managment

Reputation is another one of the most essential features of a web host you need to look for. You need to do thorough research and read all the customer reviews, so that you can get a clear picture of a particular web host and whether their customers are satisfied with their services.

You can go online and do a background check on them, which is made quite easy nowadays with all the various social media networks. Reputation can speak at great length about someone, so make sure you find out everything there is to know about a web host before you opt for their services.
From my personal experience, I would highly recommend SiteGround, as they are a web hosting service that offers all the aforementioned features and many more that are of paramount importance for the success of your business. Make sure you take a look at the SiteGround reviews to get an insight into the high-quality services they offer and I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Ana Vucic

Ana Vucic is a creative writer at MyCity-Web with a degree in English language and literature. When she is not reading the latest A Song of Ice and Fire book, she is actively looking for an inspiration for writing in her favourite music. She loves travelling and exploring new cultures, and wants to visit the Hobbiton movie set in New Zealand, where she hopes to meet Peter Jackson.

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