Creating the Perfect App

If you want to create a high selling app, there are some things you must take into consideration. The most obvious one is that you must create a good and unique idea that no one else has come up with. The idea that you have in your mind must be easy to realize, cost effective, but on the other hand, attractive to the user. It doesn’t matter if you are creating a radio app, a game or a wallpaper database – all of these applications must go through a certain process until the final product is finished. Here are some basic tips you should know.

A Good Idea Is Everything!


Coming up with a good idea can be the hardest part, while the realization can be much easier. And, for a good idea to be created in your head, you must first do good and thorough research on the topic you want to work on. Pay special attention to the well-known app markets, where you must do the necessary keywords research to look for the already existing products that might be similar to your idea. It doesn’t matter if there are already solutions that are similar to yours – if you make your app unique and user friendly, people will choose your application. Naturally, you can borrow some similar ideas from other apps, and you can incorporate them into your own idea. It is a free world, and if you are successful, be sure that people will borrow your ideas as well.

What Is That Sound?

app sound

Whatever it is that you are creating, be sure to use some quality audio cues in your app. It can be a difficult to determine the proper amount of audio that you need to implement into your application, but a nice and catchy tune can certainly make your app feel more alive. Audio is especially important when creating a game. You want not only to have background music that is different on each level, but also you want smaller movements, punches and jumps to create some sound as well. All of this will create a more immersive experience for your users, and they will gladly pay for your app, or even tell their family and friends about it.

Advertise Everywhere!


Social media can be your greatest ally in advertising your application. Be sure to create a fan page on Facebook and Google+ if you want to reach your targeted audience. Those pages must be regularly updated with the freshest information about your app, special promotions or discounts. It is also a great way to check user feedback and what else could you improve in the next update or if there are some other options that you need to include. Try and advertise on the popular reviewing sites, where they can even do a free review of your app if it is good. This will attract even more users.

Bright Colors!


The last, but probably the most important issue is the graphical design of your application. Today’s mobile phones have incredibly large, high-quality displays and that is why your app must have a good graphic solution, from the icon of the app, its start-up screen to the interface itself. Colors must be bright and pleasing to the eye, but not too flashy. Pay special attention to the targeted audience because, while children like flashier and bright pictures, adults like them to be more minimalistic in nature. Of course, high quality graphic design is hard to come by and that is why you might need to think about hiring a professional company that can help you with this one. It is, after all, one of the most apparent aspects of your app.

In the end, if all the things above are done right, your app will be a great success. A good graphic solution can attract a customer, who’ll want to download it while on the other hand, content and audio inside the app are what will make the user continue using it. There are so many apps already available for download and their number is growing as we speak. That is why you must pay special attention even to the smallest detail and if you succeed in realizing your original idea into a unique packaging, it will surely be a wonderful success, with the download counter only going up and up!

Aleksandar Ilic

Aleksandar Ilic is an experienced blogger and ghost writer who has experience with a lot of different subjects which range from construction, music, gaming, environmentalism and so on. As a former student of the English Language and Literature Department, at the University of Nis, Serbia with a particular interest in literature he can adapt his writing to any style while making the content seem natural to native speakers. His love for music led him to start playing in a band when he was in high school and he plays the guitar to this day. He is also an enthusiast for online PvP games and a great fan of epic fiction.

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