Content Marketing


  • Content marketing is probably the best way to advertise your business and MyCity-Web is here to help.
  • Our dedicated team of in-house creative writers will ensure that the content created for you is unique, personal and specifically optimized for your business.
  • By analyzing your needs and desires, we will make sure that all content reaches your target audience and we’ll promote your business in the best possible way.

How can content marketing help you and your business?


We can clearly see why modern approaches to advertising yield better results, and currently, the best strategy out there involves content marketing. Simply creating and then sharing content that is designed to mention you, your brand, products and services, will naturally extend your audience and help you create more customers – and what is more important, via content marketing, the customer will contact you.


The key points of content marketing include increasing user engagement on social networks, by natural content sharing, and by creating a more positive image about your business, as well as promoting you as an expert in your niche. A high quality content marketing strategy will eventually increase search visibility, and this is why it is an essential step of any online marketing campaign. It also naturally boosts the number of social shares and mentions that happen on most social networks, and it assists with the conversion of prospects into customers.

How can MyCity-Web help you with that?


Over the years, we have developed a unique system that we can quickly adapt to any needs and desires our customers present us with. Alongside you, we will firstly determine the practical objectives for your business and propose unique solutions in order to meet those KPIs. During the production and implementation phase, we will constantly try and get feedback from you, as our main goal is always successful cooperation in the long run, but also the successful completion of any business objectives.

Our in-house team of dedicated writers and editors will help you with any kind of research, writing and development tasks that you might need. In addition, we will offer suggestions and tips.

How can MyCity-Web achieve all this?


We have divided the whole procedure of content marketing and advertising into phases, so that all our clients can get a better understanding of how things are done, and in order to create a transparent overview of our work process.

● Contact Phase

This phase usually starts when we receive your email. Before we even respond, we will take a close and more personal look at your business, as well as your social media accounts. We will take into consideration most of the factors surrounding your company, so that we can prepare the best possible and most unique offer for you. You will receive a free consultation, where we will brainstorm and try to find a solution that will fit both your needs and desires.

● Research Phase

Once we have come to an understanding and we have created a good plan, our team of writers will do a thorough research of all the topics that are suitable and connected to your area of work, as well as look for other popular accounts in that niche. We will try and find a general theme for the writing process, which will result in the creation of content that has the highest chance of being shared and actually being a valuable resource to others. This will ensure that the content we are about to make is truly well-adapted to your target audience, and that it fits well into your promotional strategy.

● Creation Phase

Our team of dedicated in-house writers will create the content based on the research done, in accordance with your own personal requests. The type of content that you may want can range from simple blog posts and press releases, to infographics, videos and even quizzes. Even though all our writers have a reputable degree in English Language and Literature, each and every piece of text will be inspected by our editors, who will make sure that the text is good enough for you to review.

● Networking Phase

Once the right content has been created, it will be published. If you do not already have a blog, we will strongly advise you to create one, and will even offer to help you do that in a way that is least time consuming for you. Once you have your first bunch of blog posts, or some other type of quality content ready, we can start sharing that material from our many social accounts, both personal and professional, in order to naturally boost content. We have whole teams dedicated to establishing relationships with influential bloggers, top-visited blogs, and other resources that can help you share your content, which will increase your potential reach.

● Closing Phase

This phase allows us to review what has been done, how successful it was for you, and what further improvements can be made both on your and our side. While you are free to suggest any change during any step, this will be used to create smaller tweaks that can make our further cooperation even better. By submitting a full report based on the campaign, you will know exactly what was done, when and how, and we will discuss the next step of our collaboration.

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