Clever Ideas for Your Garden

People tend to neglect the fact that their garden can, besides just looking nice, be used for many creative and useful purposes. During the nice spring and summer days, your garden is actually the place where you can spend most of your time. Of course, if you haven’t made it a nice place to be at, you will end up siting in your house during the whole year, without experiencing the advantages your garden can give you and all the fresh air. If this situation is not foreign to you (and is in fact the usual situation at your residence), you’ve come to the right place! it’s hard to find time for decorating when you lead a busy life, that’s true, and five days of your week are usually practically programmed and all the same. You wake up, you go to work, you come home tired, you eat, you sleep… Repeat. Exhausting, huh? However, keep in mind that you do have your weekend for some useful experiments. Instead of watching soap-operas or a movie with a basic love story for the hundredth time, do something to make your household more comfortable. Don’t be skeptical, we’re here to help you! Some ideas might not be possible right away and will take some time, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try them in the long run. For starters, you should spend an equal amount of time to making your garden practical as you do on your house. It’s not just there to be the exterior of your home. Other than taking care of your plants and the lawn, there is an endless number of possibilities you can do, which will not only make your garden look amazing but they will also make your everyday life easier. The key is to use as less space as possible and still keep it all practical and easy to use.  How to do this? Just run through these easy four steps and you are good to go!

Step one – Plants

Garden Plants

When it comes to plants, your job is easy. For starters, put all your bushes in interesting pots. If you haven’t found anything interesting to buy, painting the pots is an excellent opportunity for you to wake up the “Picasso” in you. Invite contemplation into your garden and see how much more time you will start spending outdoors. Small flowery plants can be placed here and there. That’s all up to you. Use two colors (at least), but keep in mind that too many colors can make the place look shabby. At the market, you can find a gazillion different types of plants and choose the ones that suit your taste.

Step two – swimming pool/garden pond

Garden Pond

Here, you might have to make a couple of investments but they will all pay off after only a couple of months. If you own a pool, you should install filters as soon as possible. You don’t want to have any plants too close to the pool as dead leaves from them can cause your pool to be dirty, whenever there’s a light breeze. Also, plants attract insects which simply adore flying above the water and can get up getting drowned in your pool daily. This can become very irritating. If you don’t own a pool, you can install a pond in your garden with a small fountain in the middle. Pond water-pumps are not expensive at all and the result will be more than pleasing. When you get a fountain installed, the sound of running water will make your every afternoon relaxing. There’s no need to waste time on spa treatments or whatever else there is when you can make a small spa center right in front of your own home. Think of the feeling you will have while drinking your coffee on a nice Saturday morning with the sound of running water and the smell of your newly planted lilies. Studies have shown that the sound of water is just as relaxing as looking at fishes swimming.

Step three – garden shed

Garden Shed

Unless you already have one, it’s the right time to do get it. Namely, use a colourbond steel shed as a place to store all the things you have been unable to keep properly stored inside your house. All the cluttered things can now be separated and stored inside the shed. This will also give you some extra room at the house. An extra room can always come in handy.  What was once a dirty room, used only for storing things, can now become a place where you could read and work, or place your piano which was always taking up too much space in the living room. How you organize the shed itself is up to you. A thing you should never forget though is that you should write what’s inside each box i.e. label each of them to avoid getting lost later on.

Step four – leave a spot for yourself to enjoy your garden

Garden Bench

It will look lovely if you place a table and some chairs in front of your garden shed just to add up to the picture, and this place will become your most favorable one. Remember that gardens aren’t just for planting and pruning, they’re there as the place where we can enjoy the sound, the smell and the view. If you’re feeling like it, you can invite some friends over for a Sunday evening apple pie and enjoy all the advantages your garden can provide because you made it so.

To sum up, the key to a life without stress is in your own hands. Why not use your garden as a place where you love to go and forget about all the inconveniences and stressful situations you have experienced that day? The more time and effort you dedicate to it at the beginning, the more conveniences you will have later on. After all, everything from the above is there just to help you feel more relaxed at home, and where else could you feel more relaxed than in your own home? Feel free to try out some of your own ideas and enjoy!

Pavle Dinic

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