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Cheap and Easy Solutions for Interesting Decoration

Each home has its own style, regardless if the people who live their put in the effort to decorate it or it happened spontaneously. The way a home looks, regardless if it is a house or an apartment, is always a reflection of the residents, their temperament, their taste and the amount of attention they pay to it. However, not all of us have the patience to deal with complex decorative endeavors, and even more commonly, money puts a full stop on our wishes for proper home décor. There is always something more important to invest in than changing the way your home looks.

Make a custom decorative hanger

Color can make a huge difference for the way your home looks. This doesn’t mean that you need to splash it all over the place with all kinds of furniture covers, lights and whatnot. A simple custom made clothes hanger, properly colored, can help you liven up you place. Here is an example of a DIY clothes hanger, beautifully colored, which will obviously be a must stop for everyone who enters you home.

Introduce some light into your home

Rooms that don’t receive enough natural light may look gloomy and depressive. On top of that, any decoration you might already have will not get the attention it deserves without proper lighting. Drapes and blinds can be your enemies in some situations. If the room you are trying to decorate doesn’t get enough light by design, you can solve this by introducing some tactically positioned mirrors to spread the natural light around more and make sure that the room benefits from it. As far as artificial lights go, full spectrum light bulbs are probably the best possible solution you can opt for. This example of using mirrors to spread light is a bit more pricy but you can use a simpler setup with regular mirrors to resolve this.

Plates on the walls

Depending on your style (and age probably), you might like this idea or not, but the fact remains that it is a cheap and stylish solution for monotonous walls. Decorative plates can be found in an average china shop or home depot, they don’t cost much and can easily be put on walls to make them more lively. Pick out the colors you like, the design you like and you are good to go. You can even make a collage out of the plates to make it even more interesting. If you think that this decoration form is reserved for the older generation, check out this example.

Use old window frames

If you are in the middle of your home renovation or you have some old window frames from the previous renovation, you can use them to decorate your home. If they are damaged, then you can repaint them to make them look better, or even leave them a bit busted up so they have that rustic feel. Anyway, you can use old window frames in a variety of ways. You can fit mirrors in them to spread that light as we previously discussed or you can use them as picture frames. Not sure what pictures to put in? Well, you can always use your Instagram and print out your pictures. If you want an easy and cheap solution for great home décor, it doesn’t get any better than this.

Stencils are your friends

Easy wall decoration with little cash spent and no hustle? No problem! Find interesting patterns, print them out on cardboard, cut out the stencils and spray paint them on the wall. Interesting symbols, quotes – let your imagination run wild. One idea is to use your horoscope sign and information related to it to design your stencils if you are into that kind of thing. If not, let your imagination run wild and test out your stencils before you spray the walls!

Creativity & Simplicity

These are your greatest allies when decorating. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune and you don’t have to hire five different interior decorators to make your home look beautiful. Just do your research, steal, improve and adapt. Good luck with your decoration!