If you’ve watched a lot of Spanish movies, you might feel fairly confident before visiting Barcelona? Well, first of all, the language of Barcelona is Catalan and not Spanish (which is actually Castilian) – and it wouldn’t be a good idea to mix the names...

There are many factors that influence your startup location, like your target audience, type of product, your financial status or available resources etc. Basically, there are different elements that will determine where you will start your business or if you are going to start your...

For passageway lovers, adorers of fine wine, hot summer months and street festivities, exploring Barcelona would take a lifetime. Much like New York, Paris, or Tokyo, the Catalan capital is a city of endless wonders. Its lifestyle – loud and passionate, yet laid-back. If feeling...

If you are getting tired of traveling around the United States, then maybe it’s time to visit somewhere fresh, a land with a different culture. Apart from being the cradle of civilization, Europe is also filled with many different cultures and this is truly amazing,...

The world has so much to offer and you can choose so many wonderful destinations for your next vacation, from the ancient sites in Greece and Italy and the cities with amazing historical heritage all over Europe, to the modern cities with a futuristic look...

Who doesn’t like travelling? You surely don’t know a single person who doesn’t like visiting new places and exploring new lands and cultures. If you enjoy travelling, you must have some favorite destinations that you’ve been to and that left an amazing impression on you,...

The art of escaping is well known to every dreamer. Deserters, individualists and nonconformists are truly a unique breed of soul-searchers, unsatisfied with daily life banalities. To be able to leave everything behind and exit the comfort zone is a quality of those who devote...

World, as vast and complicated as it is, has a unique way of concealing its jewels. Most secluded places can sometimes unearth the shiniest ones, like medieval towns in Dalmatia, Tibetan mountain villages or the fairytale castles of Germany. A tumultuous culture of rich history...

Whether one has already been there or not, Barcelona seems to be one of the most wanted-to-be-seen places in the world. Some people would give anything only to feel the thrill of the place. No wonder, since it offers a variety of destinations that are...

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