Today, we live in the Golden Age of computer hacking. Malicious online attacks have become commonplace, and even corporations with multi-million dollar security budgets are falling victim to serious hacking plots. Several studies and surveys indicate just how popular malware and various viruses have become. One...

As technology becomes more advanced at lightning speed, it can be difficult to keep up. Not only do we have to buy the new technology, we must also learn how to use it. There’s a learning curve for most devices and their features, even though developers...

Ensuring high productivity is always important. Whether you are a freelancer, business owner, or an employee within a company, ensuring the highest level of productivity is crucial for success. Currently, there are plenty of software tools that will help you become more productive. We are talking...

Phishing emails are sent out in their thousands every day, with hackers hoping that at least one gets through the net. There are many different forms of phishing emails, but they usually aim to get hold of one thing: your money. This might be through...

Company productivity is an important issue no matter what business you are in, and it is especially important in a software developing company, where projects often need to be completed at an incredibly fast pace. Unfortunately, working on a computer comes with a lot of...

We all have that one person that is simply impossible to buy a gift for. This may be because we just do not know them that well or because their taste simply does not fit into our budget. Do not fall into despair; we have...

Finding the right hosting provider with quality services is not an easy task. The choice of providers is getting bigger, so finding one that will satisfy all of your needs takes a little time and effort. Do not worry, we have done all the dirty...

There are thousands of options when it comes to the web hosting industry, and this is why it may be hard to choose the right service, as most of them claim to be good, but are in fact just overselling their services. Today, we will...

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