There are days when you just cannot seem to find the right motivation for the things you need to do. Your muse is nowhere to be found, and you just feel stuck. You sit at your desk, trying to work out what you need to...

Binging on things has become a kind of movement, as a term, activity or as a hashtag. It’s everywhere in our pop culture and it’s extremely trendy with younger people. To binge means to be excessive in something, and it first began with binge drinking...

After a lot of thinking, you have decided that a rabbit is an ideal pet for you and your family. Rabbits can be really wonderful pets, they are blooming with personality and simply adorable. Before you go and adopt one of these cuties, you need...

There is no need to explain how important a healthy diet is during pregnancy, but sometimes we are unsure about what we should and what we shouldn’t eat. Here is a list of five foods rich in nutrients that you should include in your meals...

You’ll find a ton of ignorant comments online whenever there is a discussion on fitness and body shape, which just goes to show that a lot of people have a problem with their body image. Alarmingly a lot of the people with a skewed perception...

Summer is a season of vacations and everybody likes to spend days relaxing on a beautiful beach. Working hard is really exhausting, and in some cases it can even seriously damage our health. This is the case with people who spend most of their workday...

Everyone has a different definition and vision of success, but there are certain habits and characteristics that all successful women share. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or a businesswoman, you need to acquire a few habits in order to be more productive, which will...

If you are someone in your late twenties and early thirties, then your day probably sounds like this. You get up in the morning to arrive to work on time, you sit behind your desks, make two breaks for lunch, return home to sleep some...

Women who are moms and businesswomen at the same time always try to find instant solutions for the tasks that take too much time. Instead of going on a one hour treatment, they do some treatments at home and don’t waste time on going to a salon.

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