Getting old is a natural human function that happens to all of us and it is, sadly, inevitable. This may be hard to accept, but there are a few ways to avoid stressing out about it. Although it’s common to feel increased amounts of stress...

The following is a guide on how to quit smoking. DAY 1 Congratulations. You are joining the majority, the people who do not smoke or have given up smoking. In seven days, you will be a non smoker too. First step: throw away all your cigarettes. Now buy...

A single loud “pop” in the distance is enough to send two of my dogs scrambling to my side. And when it’s fireworks season (that period starting around late June and carrying into July when fireworks are readily available and frequently used), they are utterly...

First of all, let’s get one thing right of the plate. Don’t get me wrong, but it is not that easy to get fit at this age, or at least not as easy as it used to be during your twenties and thirties. It will...

The most romantic day during the whole year isn’t something you should ignore. Whether you’re in a committed relationship and you already have your special someone, whether you’ve just started dating a new girl or you have a person in your life you’d like to...

Valentine’s Day really does bring a bit of magic into our everyday lives and you can literally feel love in the air on this special day. After all, it is a day for celebrating love, and every single person in the world, whether they are...

Being 60, or over 60, is merely the start of a new phase in life. For some, it's the challenge of no longer having the family around, for others it's retiring from work and having to re-organize their time, and some might be dealing with the excitement of being...

Very soon, the year 2016 will be over, and since it was not a year anybody wants to remember, you should begin with a fresh and more positive start. This is a perfect opportunity for you to surprise your partner, and give them something romantic...

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