They say things can get a bit stale in the romance department when you get married, but once you have kids, it can become even more difficult to keep your relationship hot and exciting. Running after a baby that’s just learned how to walk and...

Living far from civilization might seem like some sort of fiction to most of us, but the fact is that there are people who know no other way of living. No telephones, no dishwashing machines, no cars, no pollution. As much as this sounds as...

At first glance, an office environment isn't as dangerous or taxing on your body as working on a construction yard or even in a restaurant. However, just because people try to stay quiet about certain issues and don’t let their frustration get the best of...

Having one or two drinks at a local bar or at a party can’t harm you, right? But think again. Before you know it, you could get wasted, end up in a hospital, or in the worst case, lose your life. If you avoided all...

A little known fact about humans is that they aren’t “made” to be surrounded by so many complete strangers. It’s not part of human nature – to live a long and healthy life in an overcrowded environment. Most people that are born in big cities...

Reading is always fun and more rewarding than simply watching TV. Sure, there are plenty of high-quality TV shows available, but nothing will ever replace the experience of holding a book (not those e-readers, even though they are pretty green and cool) and listing through...

Modern society is always changing, and success seems to go to those who can adapt in the best possible way or think ahead of their time. The fact that the Web provides us with business opportunities 24/7, and the business market practically never closes, which...

While talking about sex can cause much discomfort, it can be extremely important for any successful relationship, and while children are being exposed to sex much sooner than their parents would like, this does not mean that they understand it properly. Young people especially have...

Baby showers are perfect occasions to help out parents-to-be. A newborn needs many things so you should help parents by bringing a gift that they can surely use. If you are searching for something useful and practical, here are a couple of things that might help...

The fact is that many people have the impression that they know almost everything about anything. And yes, today’s technologies give us the possibility to get all the information we need, and much of the information we won’t ever need during our lives. What we...

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