Are you satisfied with your life? Do you feel burdened with everyday things that are simply stressing you out, leaving you unable to truly enjoy life? If this is true for you, then you really should dedicate more time to yourself, and in this day...

To talk about creativity for just a bit, you have to acknowledge that creativity isn’t something you can just buy over the counter. Some of us, if we are lucky enough, are born with a certain amount of it, but the rest is just up...

There is a big gap between a talented, aspiring musician and a recording artist. You've probably heard just how difficult it can be to actually make a living from any form of art and particularly music. There are a lot of bands and talented artists...

We live in a world where we can have everything instantly, and we have learned that it is extremely important to satisfy our pleasures immediately, like little children. This instant gratification is the plague of today’s society, but it has become such an integral part...

All those TV commercials, cute photos on the internet and the idea of having a pet in our heads is far from reality. There is so much more to owning a pet than just Instagram photos and playtime. You should be aware that we are...

Life is full of ups and downs, and this can take a toll on our confidence. Lack of self-esteem can cause a lot of problems with a lot of different aspects of life and even cause depression. The problem with this situation is that people,...

Buying a present or preparing a surprise for your significant other can sometimes turn into quite an annoying little task. In these sorts of situations, your mood could be easily switched from enthusiastic to nervous, which might cause you to give up and buy her...

We all have some things that we are passionate about – things that we do just because we find them amusing and interesting, but we don’t feel confident enough to pursue them full time, since it is unlikely that they will pay off, financially speaking....

No matter what job you do or what challenge you undertake, the ultimate goal is to give it all you’ve got, seeking to improve and getting the best results from it. Your goals may be climbing up the corporate ladder or earning more money by...

Being a businesswoman is a struggle, even in these supposedly modern times. It takes plenty of courage, strength and dedication to become a successful entrepreneur no matter how you cut it, but for women, it can also be a constant battle to prove their true...

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