Nobody can deny that there is a growing gap between the rich and the poor in our society. The reality for our low-income families is that they bear the burden of always being just a few steps behind in securing stability for their children. Overcoming...

The saying goes that ‘money can’t buy happiness’, but if you’ve ever lost sleep worrying about how you’re going to make a mortgage repayment or put gas in your car, you’ve probably been keen to test the theory. Around one in three people are currently experiencing...

Nowhere is it written that you must be no older than 18 to apply to college. You can get an advanced degree at any age! If you’re feeling stuck and unsatisfied in your current profession, going back to school or getting additional certifications can help...

Did you notice how noisy the world is? I’m not referring to the traffic alone, but how every place is screaming with information. Just think about it – the minute you open your eyes, you get saturated with notifications for social platforms, work emails, appointment...

The entertainment available today has an amazingly wide offer; anyone can find something to enjoy. And, although you can actually watch everything from the comfort of your home, with a PC in front of you, getting out and being actually present during an event is...

A healthy dog is a happy dog. It is known that these pets are a man's best friend, and we all know that friendships need work in order to function properly. Well, in this case, it’s up to you to take proper care of your...

Each anniversary is truly a happy occasion. You have the opportunity to do something nice for a person you love and you get some time to sit down and reflect on your time together. Even though it is a wonderful occasion, it becomes progressively difficult...

Every new relationship is exciting, but after a while, it can get rather hard because it all simply becomes a little predictable and annoying. Some may try to work on their bond, and some decide to go their separate ways. However, if there is a...

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