The importance of memories Our past makes us who we are and that same past is made out of a vast number of memories. Good or bad, memories are there as proof that we exist, that we lived and gathered some experience throughout our life. We...

They say things can get a bit stale in the romance department when you get married, but once you have kids, it can become even more difficult to keep your relationship hot and exciting. Running after a baby that’s just learned how to walk and...

Show some love Birthdays, anniversaries or other important occasions can cause us a lot of trouble when it comes to finding the most appropriate and interesting gift that we should give to somebody. Our lives are not endless, so you should try to spend as much...

If you are pregnant, and you are soon to give birth, then you must be freaking out. Of course, this is all natural, and it is perfectly normal to feel scared. If this is your first time, it is extremely important not to transfer your...

Not only that smoking pollutes our environment and damages our health, but it can also jeopardize the health of the people around you, who need not be smokers themselves. Think about all the problems you can cause to the people you love and maybe this...

Of course, every day with your family is a small blessing, but there are a couple of life events that are a bit more important. On these occasions, family members and close family friends gather to celebrate, catch up and have fun. We always look...

Animated movies should reflect old fairy tales, meaning that they need to provide a metaphorical insight into the realities of the world to young children who’s minds devour information, actively trying to make sense of the world around them and develop an adequate code of ethics to...

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