We’ve all heard the horror stories about the link between smoking and lung cancer. In fact, some 80-90% of lung cancer cases can be traced back to exposure to tobacco smoke. However, for smokers and non-smokers alike, there is another significant factor that might lead...

A house isn’t really a home until you put your soul and mind into decorating it and making it your own, and the same goes for the outdoor space which can be a wonderful addition to your home. Every outdoor space, whether it is a traditional...

Starting and operating any kind of business can be stressful, time-consuming, and a lot of hard work and dedication. If you have a knack for home decorating and designing, indulging yourself in that line of business may be the perfect choice for you. With new...

Every single spring has its own March – those couple of weeks that make you lose every hope of seeing the sun ever again. First, the clouds clear up, revealing shy rays of gold, and dewy grass catches you unready. From the places where once...

Interior design is a much talked-about subject on the web currently. You can find everything you need to know about it by doing just a few general web searches. Articles upon articles talking about every element of home design you might need. There are tons...

Designing one’s home is one of the best “adventures” that every average individual has to go through. It is great fun, if nothing else. Picking, deciding, shopping around – all those things are fun. Hell, you are designing your home, the place where you will...

Despite how annoying and stressful this can be, there is no way around it, and it certainly shouldn’t be neglected. We are all fully aware that a house has a constant need for maintenance, and that you need to change or replace something each year....

Urban environments can drain you of your energy. Many people tend to feel trapped and caged after a while, and it is no wonder. Nature is confined in parks, the air quality is poor, the noise is constant, and people get lost in the crowd....

We are on an eternal quest of making our home look prettier and more comfortable, not only for us, but for our family and friends as well. Over time, people can quickly become bored of how a particular room looks, and after many years, you...

It’s easy to fall in love with a house that looks so beautiful that you can’t resist buying it. Most people momentarily start planning where they would place their furniture when the dream house appears. But, before you actually plan your housewarming party, there are...

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