What is the first thing you notice about other people? Their hair, skin, what kind of clothes they are wearing or what is their posture? And what about their smile? According to many studies, teeth are the first thing people notice about you, so we...

The first thing people notice about you when they first meet you is your hair, your face, eyes, teeth and skin. After that, we start looking at how a person is dressed, how he or she is behaving. So, we can conclude from the start...

Any makeover is hard, especially if you are a procrastinator and you are accustomed to living your life as you used to. But, sooner or later, all of us need a change, no matter how big or small it is. If you want to live...

If you think that other people’s opinion about you depends only on who you are and not on what you look like, you’re terribly deluded. This is not to say that the former is not important at all but, whether you like it or not,...

What is a dental implant? It is a surgically installed tooth or bridge replacement. Since our teeth are strong and hard (when they are healthy of course), proper material is needed in order to replace the missing tooth. The most commonly used material for a...

Don’t panic! All the women out there who plan on expanding their families have a lot of planning and thinking to do. What to expect from your life with a child? How will they go through the whole process of being pregnant? What they need to...

We all know the importance of regular exercise and proper diet for a healthy, strong and well-rounded body, but people often complain about not having too much time or money to spend on workout and nutrition advice from personal trainers. Well, in this day and...

The biggest problem with diets is that they often tend to be very restrictive and do not allow for some sweet snacks, instead opting for cheat days around the weekend where you can gorge on whatever you want, which is a recipe for disaster. First...

Introduction You are sitting at home, taking care of your kids, watching your favorite TV shows and eating tons of junk food. Do you feel good about it, or do you think that you are going to feel some consequences for neglecting your physical state? Do...

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