Alcohol can be a social lubricant, but if abused, it can injure the body, mind, and even cause death. The incidence of alcohol-caused diseases and death in every country in the world is rising at an alarming rate. There are an estimated 17.6 million alcoholics in...

Instead of your usual orange juice over breakfast, have you ever thought about a glass of ginger infused water? There are tonnes of amazing health benefits, and whilst it may not sound as appealing as a glass of fruit juice, this little magic potion should...

Brunch is an old tradition that mixes all the best food of breakfast and lunch, together with cocktails, good friends and a lot of conversations. Brunch also usually consist of many delicious meal choices, which can often be bad for your health and bad for...

Today, all people can easily access valuable information that concerns hospital’s safety or its quality of service. Anybody can do this quite easily and the only thing it takes is a little bit of effort. The first thing you should understand is that not all...

Supporting a dear friend through their ongoing battle with cancer is one of the most delicate ventures you’ll ever have to embark on. However solid, your friendship should become a mainstay for your soulmate to lean on even in the darkest of hours. You’ll face...

If you are wondering why your teeth are undergoing some changes, then you might want to question all of your habits and actions because some of them might be bad for your teeth. Enamel erosion, cavities and stained teeth are not just the result of...

It is a well-known fact that an active lifestyle has impact on many things in our lives. A good workout can help us perform better at our jobs, be more relaxed at home and maintain activity in our community. Recent studies show that people who...

Were you aware of the fact that when you are tired, you often reach for fatty and unhealthy food? Many sleep studies have recently found evidence that backs this up and people who are sleep deprived consume even up to 300 calories more per day....

If you were involved in a car crash, chances are that you will be needing physical recovery. If you are struggling mentally after a car crash, it is important to get proper help, no matter if you were a driver, a passenger or a pedestrian....

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