Let’s be  honest – how many times have you said to yourself: “I’ll log onto Facebook just to check my messages” or “Let me check what's new on Google+ today” and saw that you had just lost an hour and a half doing absolutely nothing?...

Writing something and giving it away is a personal experience is something some of us could never even think of doing. In essence, being a ghostwriter is actually having this complex feeling inside of you, it’s both wonderful and awful, and you are always in...

Considering the online world as an important and effective platform for client outreach, brand promotion and as a means of cutting costs, is a necessity for ambitious modern entrepreneurs who want to make enough money to live comfortably and enjoy some of the finer things...

Before social media, we had to use a quite different approach to advertising, and it has changed the way we interact with the internet in general. The way Google search is, in essence, the whole internet for someone, many people see it through the eyes...

When you start blogging, in no time you will come to the realization that you are doing what you love – you are contributing to the community by sharing your experiences, people are reading what you have to say, they are discussing your topics and...

Guest blogging is a powerful way to build links and generate traffic to your website. However, as for any other link-building technique, you need to be careful with it. There have been many serious changes in the world of SEO connected to guest blogging this year....

The market is changing rapidly. New things are constantly being introduced, the market is flourishing and if you are running any sort of business, you have to constantly climb further up the ladder of success in order to ensure that you stay on top. As...

Blogging has soared to unimaginable heights since its onset as a conspicuous web addition to journalism. Though it expanded the scope of topics and authors, making event tracking far easier since writing and reporting stopped being exclusive to writers and journalists, some problems emerged as...

Inbound marketing is a fairly debatable term in the world of online marketing and SEO. Nevertheless, what this term represents exists and it is vital as never before. What it stands for is a marketing cycle based on content which enables communication with customers on...

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