Digital marketing has skyrocketed in recent years! Most companies are utilizing at least one or more aspects of this, still relatively young form of marketing, arguably with mixed success. These approaches can include social media, SEO, a simple website presence, AdWords and many techniques but...

To engage an audience, you have to do a bit more than just writing some scribbles on paper and churning out blocks of text. It’s simply a science and art that takes long hours doing work and additional research. However, there is a huge challenge...

Believe it or not, having a strong social media presence is a must for nearly every brand to survive in this fierce digital space. These days, people access information about businesses on social media and their purchase decisions are based on information read and witnessed...

Brand promotion is a truly demanding task, especially for operations with budget limitations who cannot afford TV commercials or investing in the production of viral videos. Luckily, impactful marketing tactics have made a transition from monologue to dialog. In other words, interaction with potential users has...

If you don’t have a clue about SEO and you’ve just recently learned about it, but you understand that you will be needing it, then learning more about this subject is essential. This not an area where you can wander alone, without any knowledge and...

The year 2016 brought some good innovations to the online marketing world. A whole year went by, and some of the techniques already became stale and outdated. Just like the old saying goes: “the show must go on”. It is up to digital marketers to...

You know how every third article begins with a Bob Dylan song? I’m talking about the prophetic, evergreen, already proverbial The Times They Are a-Changin. Except this time, it finally seems appropriate. Starting with the Pokémon frenzy and concluding with the US elections, the last couple...

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