Each and every one of us would love to have some sort of superpower, like incredible speed, inhuman strength, the ability to fly, teleportation, mind control, etc. Although modern technology allowed us to compensate for the lack of these abilities, the idea of having them...

Nowadays, people tend to watch only sitcoms that last for 20 minutes, because when they get home from work, exhausted, they cannot concentrate on anything else. Sitcoms are great when you are tired and you want something to relax. There are also a lot of...

To cherish the art is to conquer the chaos of fleeting moments and discover the world’s dimensions. Lately, the visual art of motion pictures has been dedicated to such a task. Movies, even those with high budgets, are becoming more and more truthful and determined...

It is impossible to miss these new announcements since they are all over the internet. Basically, until the year 2020, the upcoming blockbuster movies and TV shows are going to be about heroes, heroes, heroes. Even now, there are shows like: Arrow, Flash, Gotham, Constantine,...

As we all know, the latest Marvel movie “Guardians of the Galaxy” was a huge success, and it finally filled some gaps concerning the identity of Thanos (who only appeared at the very end of the first Avengers movie) as well as the story connected...

A high number of current as well as upcoming blockbuster movies and TV shows are based on, or inspired by comic books, which is a great fact for a couple of reasons. First of all, it is good to see that something which was previously...

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