Working from home, not having to answer to anybody, having a good deal of financial freedom – all these things may seem fairly compelling, but not everyone can achieve the level of success they need to live comfortably in such a setting. There is a...

Work can be difficult and stressful, particularly because you have to follow strict rules, commute and take part in mentally exhausting office politics. This is why a big part of the population currently works from home, but many will wonder whether is it possible to...

Finding a job is not an easy task, especially in this economy, but you have to do what you have to do. This is typically a task that has several stages before you actually start with your work. To get the job that you have...

What is the measure for a successful business? You can say that the sales numbers speak for themselves, i.e. that you can clearly see if a company is doing well by the number of customers they have and the extent of their brand recognition. So, it is...

No matter how good your product is, or how useful it is, people will always tend to evaluate it based on the numbers it sold. The best way to increase the sales of your new, or old items, is to make a promotion and draw...

Working with a team can have its ups and downs, from some tense situations where tempers get a bit out of hand to fun procrastination that slows the entire project down. Productivity and motivation are always an issue in such cases, and there is no...

Even though many different trends penetrate into the business sphere from time to time and seem to become the standard for a while, there is never really a fixed way of running a business, regardless of the niche. It is an ever evolving entity which...

Make a change You spend eight hours a day (and sometimes even more) in an office that is not such a good sight to look at? White walls and tons of papers and files on your desk and around it? Nothing to motivate you to work...

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