Amazon is an incredibly popular online shopping website, and as such it is a great platform for small businesses. It allows sellers to quickly set up shop and gain a considerable amount of exposure, as long as they play their cards right. The biggest challenge is...

It’s easy to see the signs: a couple of people in your office seem to be disconnected. They have no excitement when it comes to new projects and their performance is below average. You can see dissatisfaction on their faces and it seems they’re pretty...

Why does one decide to change their career? More importantly, how does one do it? There might be several reasons backing this decision, and even more ways to pull it off. Whether it is dissatisfaction with the current employment or chasing an old forgotten passion,...

So, you have sat down in front of your computer, or at your desk and prepared yourself mentally to get to work and - a thought crosses your mind, why don’t I do this thing first? And that is where you lose all of your...

Any business has the greatest chance of closing during the first few years, and it is a period where all kinds of adjustments must be made in order to accommodate the market. All of this will influence the ability of your business to survive and...

How many times have you shared that amazing brainstorm moment with your friends in a bar, only to end up doing nothing about it? Throughout our twenties, every one of us has fantasized about opening a restaurant, starting a clothing line or launching an online...

Everything that’s happening inside of a company is one thing, but how the world sees you is completely another. You could be a group of the most talented people in your area of expertise, but that won’t do you much if you don’t know how...

Loads of people visit a single website each day. However, not all these visitors are buyers – most people simply stumble upon a website, only to stay there for a few seconds. Then they close the tab and move on with their browsing. Why do...

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