From Casablanca to Titanic, film-makers have delivered some dramatic emotional highs and strong passions. Tragic separations, burning flames of desire and tears shed are often so grandiose that the illusion they’re making is a bit too hard to believe. Once we grow up and find...

The art of escaping is well known to every dreamer. Deserters, individualists and nonconformists are truly a unique breed of soul-searchers, unsatisfied with daily life banalities. To be able to leave everything behind and exit the comfort zone is a quality of those who devote...

In the earlier days, with nothing to play with except mere imagination and some crayons and glue, raising a healthy child was a bit simpler. Parenting is never an easy task, but with a little deliberation and handiwork, it should be an act of creation...

To cherish the art is to conquer the chaos of fleeting moments and discover the world’s dimensions. Lately, the visual art of motion pictures has been dedicated to such a task. Movies, even those with high budgets, are becoming more and more truthful and determined...

World, as vast and complicated as it is, has a unique way of concealing its jewels. Most secluded places can sometimes unearth the shiniest ones, like medieval towns in Dalmatia, Tibetan mountain villages or the fairytale castles of Germany. A tumultuous culture of rich history...

Living in the post-everything days, when classics are slowly being forgotten and genres fused, can sometimes be crazy liberating. No, it’s not the apocalypse of creativity, but exactly the opposite. The strictly determined patterns are now shattered, canons defeated, and a world of possibilities opened for...

There are so many different ways of travelling. Being people of rich sensibility and hunger for art, travelers rush to the world in order to feel it at first hand, see it with their own eyes, smell it and touch it. Out there, sensual experiences...

As a way of visual expression, fashion has always been influenced by the biggest commercial trends. Hollywood movies, fashion police, red carpet and big music awards have been setting the standards for years now, and burdening girls with the idea of glamour, high couture and...

The importance of memories Our past makes us who we are and that same past is made out of a vast number of memories. Good or bad, memories are there as proof that we exist, that we lived and gathered some experience throughout our life. We...

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