Golf balls are used for one thing and one thing only, right? Well, wrong. Aside from playing the noble game of golf, these balls can have a lot of other purposes, only if you get creative enough. While they seem virtually indestructible (if you have ever...

They say things can get a bit stale in the romance department when you get married, but once you have kids, it can become even more difficult to keep your relationship hot and exciting. Running after a baby that’s just learned how to walk and...

Living far from civilization might seem like some sort of fiction to most of us, but the fact is that there are people who know no other way of living. No telephones, no dishwashing machines, no cars, no pollution. As much as this sounds as...

The 21st century may not be the perfect time to live in, but in my opinion, it has its numerous benefits for which I don’t think it gets enough credit. If you are able to read this article, than you are most likely one of...

If you are one of those people who are picky when it comes to buying a car, then you know all the troubles that come along with purchasing one. Some think that it is quite easy: you have the money and you will buy it....

A little known fact about humans is that they aren’t “made” to be surrounded by so many complete strangers. It’s not part of human nature – to live a long and healthy life in an overcrowded environment. Most people that are born in big cities...

There are always things that you can improve around your house, and if you are having doubts, then simply remember that these kinds of investments can turn out to be quite a good way of increasing the value of your home, if you ever wish...

Mothers are a great gateway to sales. They are earning, spending and influencing sales all around the world. It is a true fact that mothers are organizing almost 85% of all household purchases. These purchases are not only self-targeted, being that most often they buy...

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