Very soon, the year 2016 will be over, and since it was not a year anybody wants to remember, you should begin with a fresh and more positive start. This is a perfect opportunity for you to surprise your partner, and give them something romantic...

The cosmopolitan Catalan capital of Spain is one of the most wonderful cities in the world, rich with breathtaking art and spectacular architecture. The city’s medieval roots, best seen in the fascinating Gothic Quarter, and the Modernist architecture by the outstanding Antoni Gaudí attract millions...

“Artists do not need monuments erected for them, because their works are their monuments.” – Antoni Gaudí This is exactly what the brilliant architectural works of Gaudí are – monuments. The monuments of Barcelona’s most famous and admired architect, the mastermind behind some of the most...

In the day and age we live in, digital marketing is the key for raising brand awareness and growing a business. Each and every online marketer knows that, without a proper digital marketing strategy, promoting a business and reaching target customers can be a quite...

Wholesome and honest, yet surprisingly complex, Catalan cuisine is not at all hard to love. Connoisseurs of fine dining would call it eclectic, and they wouldn’t be entirely pompous. Dating back to the 14th century, the lush region nurtures ingredients unlikely to be paired, and...

For passageway lovers, adorers of fine wine, hot summer months and street festivities, exploring Barcelona would take a lifetime. Much like New York, Paris, or Tokyo, the Catalan capital is a city of endless wonders. Its lifestyle – loud and passionate, yet laid-back. If feeling...

Crowdfunding is rising in popularity nowadays, especially with business owners who have come to the realization that it can have enormous benefits for growing their business. A lot of entrepreneurs turn to crowdfunding when they think about business startups, as it has become extremely easy...

There are days when you just cannot seem to find the right motivation for the things you need to do. Your muse is nowhere to be found, and you just feel stuck. You sit at your desk, trying to work out what you need to...

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