What people are to New York City, the Berlin Wall to Berlin, or the Queen to London, architecture is to Barcelona. This city was made to be a playground for architects, designers and innovators. Certainly, it is most well known for the imprint Gaudi left...

World, as vast and complicated as it is, has a unique way of concealing its jewels. Most secluded places can sometimes unearth the shiniest ones, like medieval towns in Dalmatia, Tibetan mountain villages or the fairytale castles of Germany. A tumultuous culture of rich history...

There are so many different ways of travelling. Being people of rich sensibility and hunger for art, travelers rush to the world in order to feel it at first hand, see it with their own eyes, smell it and touch it. Out there, sensual experiences...

It’s easy to think that a roof is always a roof, and that residential and commercial roofs are technically the same thing, just on a different scale. The truth is there are quite a few differences between residential and commercial roofs. Here are the main...

Renovating your home can mean many things: you can just redo the paintwork on the outside, install new windows, renovate the interior or build a whole new storey. Whatever it is, it is vital that you understand the most important thing about doing any construction...

People who are environmentally aware have a too broad explanation for the things that they understand as environmentally harmful, at least in my opinion. I’m not saying that they are wrong, but if you want to get somebody to understand the greatness of the threats...

New York is a very popular destination for both American citizens and international tourists. There are really a lot of things to do and see and it offers a unique atmosphere, which you will certainly enjoy. While it may be true that New York has always...

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