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Buying/Making a Creative Gift for Someone You Care About

One of the greatest challenges is buying a present for someone we care about in order to surprise them and be original at the same time. Indeed, it is pretty obvious that buying a present for those closest to us should be more than just purchasing an interesting item in a store, we should always make an effort for the gift to carry more meaning. We need to let the other person know how we are willing to go an extra mile in order to make them happy on their special day. In other words, the gift should be more than just an item with interesting or cool properties, it should be something that the recipient will absolutely cherish – it should be a gift that can make memories resurface when that person looks at it. Here are a couple of tips on how to truly surprise someone on a special occasion.

Gathering information

This is really important, it goes without saying, that you already have someone who is dear to you but that still doesn’t mean that it will help you with your gift selection. Primarily, what if that person you know is, let’s say, someone who loves dogs or cats, latest trend of technology, pizza, and cars. Buying can’t always be an option, especially if that person already has a pet, if you buy him or her the new iPhone, bear in mind that it is only a matter of time before the gadget is outdated – not to mention, it is an expensive gift, and I won’t even suggest a car or a pizza as a gift because it would be ridiculous. However, as we go through life, we take different hobbies and watch different shows, listen to different kinds of music, etc. So if you notice that your friend is a big fan of a certain movie franchise, or is currently listening to a new band etc. you can use this information to your advantage. Although it is true that it is not something everlasting and that your friend may change his or her interest, it is still a chapter in life. With a gift connected to those interests, your friend will remember that part of his/her life whenever they are in the presence of that gift. So, an Audio CD or a blu ray movie can both be a good example of a proper gift. Additionally, an encyclopedia in the field of your friend’s interests is always a good way to go when in doubt.

Give those happy memories a shape

In today’s world, people are constantly taking pictures and posting them on Instagram. You can always print those Instagram photos that caught a shared moment in a perfect manner. You can make a whole album which contains some interesting photos from the previous year, and thus have a personalized gift that your friend will look at fondly – and, it will certainly make memories rush back. This way, you will have the best of pictures printed out so no one will have to scan through the folders in the cell phone in order to find them, and nowadays, these folders are swarming with pictures. This way, you will give some of those pictures greater meaning.

Packaging is also important

If you want to show that you are willing to go an extra mile when it comes to gifts, the package is awesome for displaying that effort. You can be really creative with bubble wrap, you can paint hearts on it, or a batman symbol, a logo, etc.  – anything what comes to your mind that your friend or loved one may find amusing. Remember, it is not about the gift itself, it is about showing appreciation and forging another milestone for your memory lane. Make sure you write a creative note or a personal poem that can be comical or romantic, depending on the occasion. With this kind of dedication to a gift, you will certainly show the person you care about just how much they mean to you, and a gift will be more personal at the same time. Also, it will no longer be an object or an item bought in the store, it becomes one of the embodiments of your bond.