What Business to Start in Barcelona

Finding work for “beginners” in Barcelona is a tough task. If a person wants to get a corporate job in Barcelona, he or she must learn fluent Spanish or Catalan. Still, even when you surpass the language obstacle, you simply cannot expect to get a great job that pays well.

On top of that, you can expect to work over 10 hour shifts and break your back at the office, for generally little benefit of your own, considering that there are much better locations where you can get a better job and progress a lot faster in your career.

Barcelona may not be as attractive for seeking a job, however it has its upsides. If you go to Barcelona and spend some time over there, you will quickly realize a couple of things. First of all, it’s a fast-paced, crowded city that has many young people and tourists hitting the streets on a regular basis. It is a vivid city full of interesting things going on around you. What’s even better is the fact that it craves for more.

It only takes a bit of imagination and entrepreneurship spirit to realize that there are a lot of reasons for opening a new businesses in Barcelona. What is even better is the fact that most business options in Barcelona don’t require a lot of money or hard work. The only thing you need to do is to understand this city and fill the needs it has.

Be a Nightlife Guide

Night Life Businesses in Barcelona

Barcelona is a place that offers some of the most exciting options for having a fun time at night. A lot of tourists, which are mostly young people, come to Barcelona to get a taste of this amazing city. During the day, people like to see the cultural side of Barcelona, but at night, all of these younger people want to hit the clubs and party all night long.

There are many choices to choose from and there are so many different places around town that visrtually anyone can find what he or she likes. Or can they? It’s true that there are many choices, but finding a place that is your cup of tea is not an easy task when in Barcelona; trust me, I’ve been there. For an entrepreneur, it is even more important to understand that a lot of others have the same problem as well.

This is a great opportunity for learning a lot about the city and finding all the best places out there. Once you’ve gathered enough knowledge, you can start a nightlife tour guide business. There is no need to invest any money, as you will just have to learn more about Barcelona and help people get what they want.

Show them a good time, have fun and make money along the way!

Re-rent Space

Re-Renting Apartments in Barcelona

Catalonia is a region that has over 5,000 headquarters of many different foreign companies. It is one of Europe’s most popular locations for startups. What is even better is the fact that the Barcelona area contains over 90 % of all of these companies. Most of these businesses come from countries such as Japan, Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria and North America.

Like I mentioned before, it’s a great environment for investing and opening a business but it’s not easy to find a job, as there are many Spanish workers who are just waiting for their jobs. Because of so many foreign companies, it is only natural that there will be a lot of business people traveling in and out of the city. This trend has a lot of potential when it comes to making money and becoming a businessman in Barcelona.

There are many apartments and office spaces you can look to rent through the whole year and re-rent those spaces to business people who come to town for meetings, transfers or something else. It is important that you advertise yourself and connect with the business world, so that they always think of you whenever they need a place to stay or a space for meetings.

Open a Bar on the Beach

Beach Businesses in Barcelona

Barcelona is practically out on the beach. There is basically a strip of beaches located in the center of the city and a person can get to the beach on a launch break. Many people that visit this city for business reasons or to go on a vacation naturally look to spend some time on the beach, and most of them are amazed.

The fact that so much people come for a short stay makes the location perfect for opening a bar on the beach. The airport in Barcelona has over 900 different flights that fly to and from both international and domestic destinations. It is an airport that has the most routes in the whole world, and this is a clear indicator of how many people circulate through this city during the year.

Another one of the many reasons why opening a bar at the beach is a good place to put your money is because the whole of Catalonia has a Mediterranean climate, meaning that it is warm for the largest part of the year. You will always have new customers, and different people from all parts of the world coming to try out something new.

Start an IT company

IT Professionals in Spain, Barcelona

One of the main reasons why there are so many startups in Barcelona is because there is a constant flow of talented professionals within the city. It has many universities and 2 of them are in the top 3 in Spain. Barcelona has also become one of the most popular destinations for young students who come from other countries to study somewhere in Spain.

The business and professional opportunities the city offers, combined with the quality of life allows Barcelona to accumulate both foreign and local talents. This means that you won’t have any trouble finding competent young minds that can help you rise to success. These are the main reasons why the employees here are loyal and dedicated to the companies they work for.

The fact that the regulations for opening a business as a foreigner are not complicated and exhausting only makes Barcelona an even more appealing location for opening an IT company.

None of these options will make you rich overnight, but it is still important to work hard and find ways to grow your business each year. Still, it is a fact that Barcelona has many business options and resources that are yet to be used for money-making purposes.

Vladimir Ilic

I am a creative writer/blogger working for MyCity-Web. I find that one of my best qualities is my free spirit. Apart from writing I enjoy listening, playing and creating new music. Currently, I am a member of two bands in both which I play bass guitar.

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