When you think of a fireplace, you might envision a European home from centuries ago, where families are huddled around it for warmth. Or, perhaps your mind jumps to the image of Santa Claus, and his signature method of entering homes to deliver presents. Today, there...

America is a relatively young country compared to many others. However, they have managed to build an empire bigger than most in such a short amount of time. It is now known as one of the most advanced countries in the world for many things. One...

The call of wanderlust can’t simply be ignored. Once you hear it and once you feel the excitement of traveling and discovering the unknown, chances are that you will live your life from one journey to the next one, without really paying attention to what...

There are a few music styles that translate so universally like blues. Even though there are thousands of shades to this genre, the underlying feel of the music always points to a sense of melancholy, hardship and hurt, things which a person who has experienced...

Have you ever heard of plantar fasciitis? It's the most common cause of heel pain. Middle-aged people are prone to this condition; however, the younger generations are not totally safe either, especially those who are highly physically active during the day or engage in some form...

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