WordPress is by far the most popular content management system in the world. According to statistics given by Yoast, there are 72.4 million websites (around 20% of the World Wide Web) based on this content management system. Back at its initial release in 2003, WordPress...

Introduction WordPress is the most popular CMS (Content Management System) in the world. Launched in 2003, it has been a small piece of code used for typography enhancement and it had fewer users than the number of fingers on your hands. Now, WordPress has become the...

Guest blogging is a powerful way to build links and generate traffic to your website. However, as for any other link-building technique, you need to be careful with it. There have been many serious changes in the world of SEO connected to guest blogging this year....

The market is changing rapidly. New things are constantly being introduced, the market is flourishing and if you are running any sort of business, you have to constantly climb further up the ladder of success in order to ensure that you stay on top. As...

Street art has been present throughout the years, and all over the world. People who are in this line of work are often ridiculed and treated as hobos or beggars, which cannot be further from the truth. Most of these people have their own jobs,...

Introduction The first time I went to the EXIT festival was back in 2009. I was pretty excited since I was going to see the Arctic Monkeys, an indie rock band from England, live for the first time in my life. They were my favorite band...

Nearly all souvenirs from Krakow have a dragon on it. Or the Pope, but that’s a different story. The reason for this is the legend of how the city of Krakow was founded. Namely, the Wawel Dragon or the Dragon of Wawel Hill (Smok Wawelski)...

Blogging has soared to unimaginable heights since its onset as a conspicuous web addition to journalism. Though it expanded the scope of topics and authors, making event tracking far easier since writing and reporting stopped being exclusive to writers and journalists, some problems emerged as...

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