They say things can get a bit stale in the romance department when you get married, but once you have kids, it can become even more difficult to keep your relationship hot and exciting. Running after a baby that’s just learned how to walk and...

Living far from civilization might seem like some sort of fiction to most of us, but the fact is that there are people who know no other way of living. No telephones, no dishwashing machines, no cars, no pollution. As much as this sounds as...

Depending on the type of website you are running, you might be more or less familiar with how to manage nofollow links that appear within your content. Some websites just don’t have enough links to even bother with them. Generally speaking, though, we can’t really...

At first glance, an office environment isn't as dangerous or taxing on your body as working on a construction yard or even in a restaurant. However, just because people try to stay quiet about certain issues and don’t let their frustration get the best of...

The fact that PCs are fighting a losing battle with smartphones and tablets for the position of primary web surfing mediums has been known in higher business circles for a while now. Internet users like to surf the web at peculiar times and from peculiar...

Show some love Birthdays, anniversaries or other important occasions can cause us a lot of trouble when it comes to finding the most appropriate and interesting gift that we should give to somebody. Our lives are not endless, so you should try to spend as much...

It is widely known that being successful isn't a piece of cake, especially if you are a woman whose goal is to be at the top few in her field. Can you really follow through and are you really able to make it out there...

The trend of selling products and services, be they in digital form or on delivery, is really on the rise in recent years. The web environment offers a way to avoid having to open a shop somewhere but still reach a healthy crowd just from...

Having one or two drinks at a local bar or at a party can’t harm you, right? But think again. Before you know it, you could get wasted, end up in a hospital, or in the worst case, lose your life. If you avoided all...

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