Designing one’s home is one of the best “adventures” that every average individual has to go through. It is great fun, if nothing else. Picking, deciding, shopping around – all those things are fun. Hell, you are designing your home, the place where you will...

There are numerous sports around the world. Some of them are based on solo play, such as tennis, whereas there are those with a team versus team type of play, like basketball. Depending on the personality type, people decide what kind of sport they want...

If your belly is really starting to get big, that means that the baby is just around the corner and you are due to give birth soon. I really hope that you are prepared. If you are not, then you are in luck, because you...

Getting married is what every woman dreams about since she was a little girl. Planning a wedding is a long and stressful process because there are a lot of things that should be done before the big day comes. The wedding day is all about...

Each and every one of us would love to have some sort of superpower, like incredible speed, inhuman strength, the ability to fly, teleportation, mind control, etc. Although modern technology allowed us to compensate for the lack of these abilities, the idea of having them...

The truth is that we all tend to put off some obligations and that’s perfectly normal. Even workaholics find themselves procrastinating when it comes to some tasks. Procrastinating is to some degree reasonable, however, putting off some tasks over and over again is a problem....

Nowadays, people tend to watch only sitcoms that last for 20 minutes, because when they get home from work, exhausted, they cannot concentrate on anything else. Sitcoms are great when you are tired and you want something to relax. There are also a lot of...

Some times are more opportune than others. Sunshine can make you close your eyes and beam, or cause a headache and tire you. Our moods are truly fascinating, as they are often unpredictable. Sometimes, life happens, and we stay stuck behind drawn curtains, without any...

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