Finding work for “beginners” in Barcelona is a tough task. If a person wants to get a corporate job in Barcelona, he or she must learn fluent Spanish or Catalan. Still, even when you surpass the language obstacle, you simply cannot expect to get a...

Perhaps the most essential component of the Catalan diet is bread. Bread is a matter that is taken seriously in Barcelona and, in the last couple of years, there has been a growing trend for returning to some of the more traditional methods of production,...

Rare are the places that truly have it all. Sunlit and playful, Barcelona bursts with creativity and diversity. There’s something for everyone in the capital of Catalonia, and more free spirits, middle-aged and millennials alike, are recognizing its abundant potential. With welcoming people, irresistible food...

We all have that one person that is simply impossible to buy a gift for. This may be because we just do not know them that well or because their taste simply does not fit into our budget. Do not fall into despair; we have...

There has never been a better time for Queenslanders to enter the property market with a significant increase to what has previously been known as, the ‘Great Start Grant’. The announcement was made as part of the Queensland State Budget that the $15,000 Great Start Grant...

Not all people find clothes fascinating, but if you’re attracted to this title, chances are that you’re a fashionista and that style is an important part of your life. As far as I’m concerned, this clothing obsession is only another, and a very suitable method...

There are very few businesses that can survive or achieve success without having a strong presence on the internet. And this means more than just having a website. It means utilizing everything from social media to engaging with your clients online. Some of the many ways...

It is a well-known fact that an active lifestyle has impact on many things in our lives. A good workout can help us perform better at our jobs, be more relaxed at home and maintain activity in our community. Recent studies show that people who...

The Catalonian city is known for many things, and one of them is definitely fashion. Being the home of several world renown brands, like Zara, Mango, and Desigual, Barcelona can seriously compete with the likes of Paris and Milano. Thanks to its multicultural background, and...

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