If you have already had your share of tortillas, patatas, chorizos and bravas, then you should devote your next trip to Barcelona, to explore their food scene from a slightly less traditional to a slightly more metropolitan angle. Barcelona is known for its Michelin starred...

“Artists do not need monuments erected for them, because their works are their monuments.” – Antoni Gaudí This is exactly what the brilliant architectural works of Gaudí are – monuments. The monuments of Barcelona’s most famous and admired architect, the mastermind behind some of the most...

Fall is just around the corner, bringing cooler weather and cool fashion trends to match. Whether you’re off to enjoy the weather on a casual day trip or are heading to the club for a night of dancing, you can be confident and up-to-date with...

If you are a freelancer in Barcelona, and you do not feel the need to rent a coworking space, perhaps in some cases, when you are working on a big project, you might feel the urge to get out and about. You are in luck,...

Team building games and retreats are something that inspires teamwork and collaboration. Every serious business venture includes this type of activity in their business plan. This method shows immediate results, because it helps people see each other in a different light and foster genuine connections...

If you have been craving to visit Barcelona for quite some time, the city that has a lot to offer, but have been holding yourself back, it is time to stop it. If you have a routine of booking flights and dropping them in your...

In the day and age we live in, digital marketing is the key for raising brand awareness and growing a business. Each and every online marketer knows that, without a proper digital marketing strategy, promoting a business and reaching target customers can be a quite...

Do you take your driveway for granted? Why not make it beautiful and functional at the same time? That smooth, clean look of a fresh concrete or asphalt driveway only lasts so long. Soon enough, it starts to get weathered, stained or cracked. And then,...

If roaming about in search of inspiration, take the nearest turn and head straight to Barcelona. Even if you are familiar with its harmonious architecture and silent museums, the Catalan capital will still find a way to surprise you. Take a seat at the first...

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