If you are in love with travelling, you are probably dreaming of visiting the world’s most idyllic places. Fortunately, there are dozens of dreamlike destinations spread out around the globe; maybe some of them are even closer than you think. Since I’m a traveller myself, I...

The following is a guide on how to quit smoking. DAY 1 Congratulations. You are joining the majority, the people who do not smoke or have given up smoking. In seven days, you will be a non smoker too. First step: throw away all your cigarettes. Now buy...

A single loud “pop” in the distance is enough to send two of my dogs scrambling to my side. And when it’s fireworks season (that period starting around late June and carrying into July when fireworks are readily available and frequently used), they are utterly...

The most romantic day during the whole year isn’t something you should ignore. Whether you’re in a committed relationship and you already have your special someone, whether you’ve just started dating a new girl or you have a person in your life you’d like to...

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