Best Anti-Spam Solutions

Everyone uses e-mails, and it’s quite hard to imagine a business world without it. There are over 182 billion emails sent each day. Emails are the basis of all internet technologies and communication, and although instant messaging services like Skype and Facebook are currently very popular, they can never replace an actual email, or have its official look. They offer a quick way of exchanging informal information, but for a more formal approach, you’ll surely use email.


However, like everything else, even emails are being used as an integral part of larger scams, where people are trying to get your personal information simply by pretending to be someone else, or by using the layout and the logo of a company which does not have anything to do with it. This unsolicited mail, called spam, is mostly an unwanted advertisement, but it can also contain links to other phishing websites, where you need to login, provide some other private information, or are simply filled with malware.

Spam emails may also include malware somewhere in them, hidden as PDF or .doc files, which can easily infect one’s computer and leave it vulnerable, but this also applies to entire business networks and to all kinds of attacks, which can damage or incapacitate your business. Since spam is such a profitable business, and many people fall prey to it, it is essential that everyone protects their own businesses and employees. Having a spam filter for your company is essential, as reading each email and then thinking about its originality is a waste of productivity, and it creates problems for ordinary employees.

Frustrated Woman at Computer With Stack of Paper

Furthermore, an employee can mistakenly share some private information, not only about themselves, but about your company as well, which can cause a breach in your security. That is why we have made a list of the three best Anti-Spam solutions, which are guaranteed to stop these pesky emails from ever reaching you, and they will eliminate their potential to damage your business.

3. MailWasher


Our third place goes to this product made in New Zealand. This spam blocker has a good combination of flexibility, customized settings and speed. It is regularly updated, and the newest versions have an updated user interface, offering more options and features. It requires a yearly subscription, in order to provide maximum security, but once it is installed, it will automatically find email accounts on your computer, and will immediately start filtering unwanted emails. The downside of this filter is that it requires Net.framework in order to function properly, and it can hog down your computer if it does not have the resources and processing power needed for this application.

2. Cloudmark DesktopOne


This solution offers to protect your inbox from all unwanted emails, but also from those containing viruses. It is easy enough to install, and it will offer an option to look for present email accounts. It is a standalone program, working even when the main messaging program is closed. In Pro mode, it offers the option of scanning multiple email accounts, and it has a false positive result when it asks a user to identify whether the email originated from a safe address. This program is simple, but efficient and fast, and it will provide a plugin toolbar for Microsoft Outlook and Mail, and even for Mozilla Thunderbird, offering easy access to most of its settings.

1. SPAMfighter

Internet network security alert

This is probably the simplest to use, yet the most efficient spam filter we’ve encountered. It relies on the community to constantly update its blacklists so that, if enough people mark an email as spam, this program will block it for you. SPAMfigher users can always rely on the best possible protection, which offers the possibility of creating exceptions. It can be installed with ease, and because it is such a lightweight program, it won’t slow your computer down with its unnoticeable footprint. The app will search for server settings automatically in order to find present emails, and it will add all your contacts to a whitelist on its first run, so that emails don’t ever get lost. A statistics button is present, which can inform you about the number of spams blocked, and other community based statistics, which is a nice feature, considering how much this program can protect you from the dangers of phishing attempts and other kind of unwanted emails.

Vladimir Zivanovic

Vladimir Zivanovic is a Project Manager here at MyCity-Web and a part-time blogger with a Master’s degree in English language and literature from University of Belgrade. He is responsible for communication, including status reporting, project preparation, and, in general, making sure the project is delivered in budget, on schedule, and within scope. His main interests are computer technologies and he is a great gaming enthusiast, especially for World of Warcraft, which he has been playing since the beginning. When he is not playing games or reading epic fantasy, he is saving up to buy the newest mobile phone, as he is lost without one. He also loves surfing the internet, finding interesting facts, and using them when someone least expects it. Doing an exhaustive research is very important for Vlada, as everything needs to be supported by hard facts. He regularly posts on his Lifehack and LinkedIn profile.

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