We all have some things that we are passionate about – things that we do just because we find them amusing and interesting, but we don’t feel confident enough to pursue them full time, since it is unlikely that they will pay off, financially speaking....

Depending on the type of website you are running, you might be more or less familiar with how to manage nofollow links that appear within your content. Some websites just don’t have enough links to even bother with them. Generally speaking, though, we can’t really...

Having one or two drinks at a local bar or at a party can’t harm you, right? But think again. Before you know it, you could get wasted, end up in a hospital, or in the worst case, lose your life. If you avoided all...

For those that like to travel, there is no place that is too far to reach and there is no such thing as a trip that takes too long. If you consider yourself a true traveler and a “victim” of wanderlust, than I welcome you....

Of course, every day with your family is a small blessing, but there are a couple of life events that are a bit more important. On these occasions, family members and close family friends gather to celebrate, catch up and have fun. We always look...

WordPress is the most present website platform in the world according to the Google Trend chart. With over 76 million websites, it fuels over 20% of the whole World Wide Web. WordPress is loved by the users because of the variety of plugins, predefined and...

The internet is a vast universe with its own rules. It is easy for anyone to get lost in its vastness. So much information gets passed around the web these days that most of the time everything seems a blur. You can spend three or...

It can be rather difficult to make a choice about something you know absolutely nothing about. Many people who have scarcely used the Internet are forced to make a website for their company, since these days, if you are not on the web, it’s like...

Guest blogging is a powerful way to build links and generate traffic to your website. However, as for any other link-building technique, you need to be careful with it. There have been many serious changes in the world of SEO connected to guest blogging this year....

Blogging has soared to unimaginable heights since its onset as a conspicuous web addition to journalism. Though it expanded the scope of topics and authors, making event tracking far easier since writing and reporting stopped being exclusive to writers and journalists, some problems emerged as...

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