There is no better way of staying informed about the things happening in the world of marketing but using social media to follow the leading experts. If you don’t have time to constantly read the news published by various sources and stay ahead of the...

We go to Barcelona to dance and eat, but we stay to savour the culture. Passionate as it is, the Catalan temperament continues to express its uniqueness through art and to exhibit its creative achievements all throughout the city. As a result, the Catalan capital...

Beloved for their architecture and acclaimed for their museums, the streets of Barcelona are filled with art. From ramshackle vintage shops to posh galleries, the Catalan capital offers a dash of inspiration for everyone – be an enjoyer of arts and crafts, an avant-garde enthusiast...

The expansion of the internet changed many things around us. The greatest change it caused is the way people do business, as having a successful business is almost impossible without owning a website. The number of websites is increasing daily and all these websites take...

Interior design is a much talked-about subject on the web currently. You can find everything you need to know about it by doing just a few general web searches. Articles upon articles talking about every element of home design you might need. There are tons...

First of all, people who quit smoking deserve some praising, so here’s a big BRAVO to all of you who are reading this. Needless to say how much harmful smoking is for you and your environment - all sorts of diseases are triggered by this bad...

In the last couple of decades, art and artists are gradually falling from grace. Basically, people view arts in general as a lost cause. They are focusing on profitability and, let’s face it, there are less and less funds designated for new, young, upcoming artists....

How can you improve the efficiency, performance and functionality of your online store from the developer’s point of view? There are a great number of extensions with rich features for Magento. It is a magnificent and open-source solution for eCommerce, which allows you to operate affiliate...

For any SMB (small and medium-sized business) that wishes to expand beyond the local boundaries, placing your business online is the smartest move to make. If you are trying to get ahead of your competition and overcome the phase of picking up breadcrumbs, you need...

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