Street art has been present throughout the years, and all over the world. People who are in this line of work are often ridiculed and treated as hobos or beggars, which cannot be further from the truth. Most of these people have their own jobs,...

Introduction The first time I went to the EXIT festival was back in 2009. I was pretty excited since I was going to see the Arctic Monkeys, an indie rock band from England, live for the first time in my life. They were my favorite band...

Before I start, I understand that each and every individual has his or her own personal taste and opinion about music, and if someone’s taste does get offended in any way while reading this, I do apologize. I have to state that I am not...

Content writing is a great way of promoting your SEO strategy. Yes, it is great, but when you are writing about the same topic over and over again, you soon end up fresh out of ideas. It is hard to keep your content’s quality and...

The word “blog” is one of the fresh words that appeared in the official dictionary (it was first used in 1999, but you have to keep in mind that a decade, give or take, is not a long time in the evolution of a certain...

10 years ago, no one would have even imagined that people would have the opportunity to have so much information available in their own pocket. Mobile phones are not a commodity nowadays, they are a necessity. This is because they are affordable, and I feel...

Many people have had many different things to say about this matter. Some say that, due to graphic violence that is most certainly present in games, children tend to develop certain violent urges. You might have come across a headline in the newspaper that looked...

We have gone a long way since the very first mobile phones, which were something we now consider as outdated as the typewriter. The sad fact is that today’s technology will be forgotten as well in the next few decades. Everything we think we know...

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