If you do not like movies, something is seriously wrong with you. I have a friend who does not like watching movie - she dreads the thought of having to sit through a two hour explosion marathon with magic and, preferably, dragons. She just hates...

It is impossible to miss these new announcements since they are all over the internet. Basically, until the year 2020, the upcoming blockbuster movies and TV shows are going to be about heroes, heroes, heroes. Even now, there are shows like: Arrow, Flash, Gotham, Constantine,...

As we all know, the latest Marvel movie “Guardians of the Galaxy” was a huge success, and it finally filled some gaps concerning the identity of Thanos (who only appeared at the very end of the first Avengers movie) as well as the story connected...

No matter how good your product is, or how useful it is, people will always tend to evaluate it based on the numbers it sold. The best way to increase the sales of your new, or old items, is to make a promotion and draw...

A high number of current as well as upcoming blockbuster movies and TV shows are based on, or inspired by comic books, which is a great fact for a couple of reasons. First of all, it is good to see that something which was previously...

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