Nowhere is it written that you must be no older than 18 to apply to college. You can get an advanced degree at any age! If you’re feeling stuck and unsatisfied in your current profession, going back to school or getting additional certifications can help...

As technology becomes more advanced at lightning speed, it can be difficult to keep up. Not only do we have to buy the new technology, we must also learn how to use it. There’s a learning curve for most devices and their features, even though developers...

In an effort to protect workers from workplace hazards, Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act  (OSHA) in 1970. Mandating safe and healthy working conditions for American workers, OSHA was designed to enforce the standards set forth by Congress, educate employers about the importance of...

Ask any experienced forex trader about what makes this market so great, and you’re sure to get an enthusiastic response. For a beginner or someone still deciding whether forex trading is right for them, this enthusiasm is equally catching and puzzling. What, exactly, makes the...

Home improvement can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, here’s a little secret you should always keep in mind when working on exterior design work: never buy real bricks, stones, or tiles. These are expensive building materials, but a more affordable...

A single loud “pop” in the distance is enough to send two of my dogs scrambling to my side. And when it’s fireworks season (that period starting around late June and carrying into July when fireworks are readily available and frequently used), they are utterly...

From crowdfunding to content idea generation, there are apps, tools, resources and websites that will make the life of any entrepreneur a little less hectic and a lot more productive. Here are eight sites that will prove useful for any startup: Startup Company Lawyer Unless you’ve...

Fall is just around the corner, bringing cooler weather and cool fashion trends to match. Whether you’re off to enjoy the weather on a casual day trip or are heading to the club for a night of dancing, you can be confident and up-to-date with...

Do you take your driveway for granted? Why not make it beautiful and functional at the same time? That smooth, clean look of a fresh concrete or asphalt driveway only lasts so long. Soon enough, it starts to get weathered, stained or cracked. And then,...

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