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Arranging the Outdoors – Tips That Give Life to Your Yard

Interior design is a much talked-about subject on the web currently. You can find everything you need to know about it by doing just a few general web searches. Articles upon articles talking about every element of home design you might need. There are tons of DIY projects related to this also. The thing people tend to talk about less and pay less attention to is designing the outside of your house. Sure, this makes sense since you spend less time outside and when you have your guests over, you don’t show them your backyard – you show them your living room.

Regardless, it is my humble opinion that no matter how good your house looks on the inside, it is still very important to have at least a decent looking yard. This will not only benefit the look of your place but it will also raise its real-estate price. It also makes no sense having beautiful interior design and leaving the outside looking like a dump. Another perk of having a well arranged yard is that you can have a place which you can use to throw parties (since it is a lot easier to clean up and also less things can get damaged if things get a bit out of hand) or you can just have a place to sit, relax and take a breath of fresh air. It is also a fact that it takes much less spending to do a full decoration of your yard than it takes to fully decorate the inside of your house.

Things You Should Keep in Mind

Let’s start with some general advice shall we? No matter what you wish to achieve with the outside of your house, you should always pay attention to the style in which your house was built and the way it was decorated on the inside. It is a big mistake to just go wild without considering this, since you will end up with some chaotic abomination of styles which won’t fit together and no matter how much effort you put in, you will end up not liking it. The “number two” advice I can give you is to be aware of the space you have at your disposal. If you first buy things you would like to have and then think about where you want to put them, you very well might end up with an overcrowded yard. So, think before you buy and you won’t end up wasting money.

Now, here I have to clarify things a bit, as far as terminology is concerned. Due to the difference in architectural styles, I will have to specify what I mean when I say front yard (front lawn) and backyard. I will be talking about these things as an American house owner in order to keep things simple. So the front yard is the place where you have your driveway and a small lawn perhaps, basically it is the entrance to your home. The backyard is the larger space situated behind your house where you might have a tree or two, a bigger garden, a pool perhaps and so on. Some houses are built so they do not have a backyard, and instead they have a larger front yard. So take all this into consideration and adapt it to the way your house was built.

Phew! That was confusing right? Ok, let’s get in to it then.


Regardless if it is the front yard or the backyard of your house, you need to have proper lighting. You don’t want to give off that Adams Family, Halloween look. Light is an underestimated decorative feature and it can really help your home stand out from the rest of the houses in your street. If you are worried about your electric bill, you can always install solar lights, which are much easier to set up, since you do not need an electrician to do it, and save money in the long run. Another option is installing lights that are connected to sensors that detect movement and automatically turn on when they detect someone approaching. This can also be a good security feature and don’t worry about them turning on for every cat and dog that passes through your yard – most of them are set up to detect only human-like movement.


Since it goes all around your property, you should keep a close eye on your fence and make sure the paint is always in good shape. Also check for parts that might need to be repaired. When choosing a fence for your home, make sure it fits the general style of your home.

The Front Yard

The front yard is much is easier to decorate than the backyard, since it is smaller. First of all, a tidy lawn goes a long way, so make sure to trim your grass regularly. A few pots with some nicely arranged plants are also a very good idea. When the flowers are in bloom, they will give a very appealing look to your house entrance. Fresh paint on your walls is very important. A nice front entrance door paired up with a nice door mat will help your guests feel welcomed and appreciated. If you have a front porch, it is a good idea to add a few chairs so you, your family and your guests can relax outside when the weather is nice.

The Backyard

This is where things can get a bit complicated, so let’s break it down to into a few segments:


I hope I was able to convince you to pay attention to the outside of your home, as well as the inside. This is not as simple as it may seem, but it can also be fun to do and the results will be more than satisfying in the end, believe me.