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All You Need to Know About Dental Implants

What is a dental implant? It is a surgically installed tooth or bridge replacement. Since our teeth are strong and hard (when they are healthy of course), proper material is needed in order to replace the missing tooth. The most commonly used material for a dental implant is titanium because it has a strong resistance and doesn’t irritate palates (the inside of our mouth). Dental implants are mostly used by people who lost their teeth due to an injury, periodontal disease or simply didn’t take care of their dental hygiene.

Who can put in dental implants?

To be a valid candidate for a dental implant, you need to be in good condition, health-wise. What does this mean? This means that you must not have any kind of health issues at the moment. It also means that only people with healthy gums and a good amount of bone in their jaw are suitable candidates. Why is this important? Dental implants, gum tissues and the bone underneath are closely connected, and if one of them is not good, it is impossible for your dental implant to stick.

What kind of dental implants are there?

There are two kinds of dental implants, endosteal and subperiosteal. What is the difference?

Who knows dental implants?

If you think you need a dental implant built in, you need to consult your dentist. If your dentist is not one hundred percent certain on the matter, than you should talk to a dental implant specialist who (as their name says) is specialized for this subject. Specialists who place implants are called periodontists and can also be referred to as oral surgeons. Prosthodontists plant bridges, crowns and dentures on implants. Before even thinking you need a dental implant, it is important to consult with these people. If you don’t have a dentist or a dental specialist, I suggest you contact a periodontist. I’ve heard they are quite good in their line of work.

Dental implant procedure

The procedure is the cooperation between you, your dentist and your periodontist. Your dentist and periodontist will consult between themselves after they have examined your mouth. After that, they will talk to you about how, where and when will the dental implant be done. Depending on what kind of implant you need, the procedure plan can be different. If you will be replacing a single tooth, than one implant and a crown will be enough to cover it. Several teeth being replaced require a built in implant, supported by bridges. If all of your teeth are missing, a full denture is needed.

After receiving a dental implant

Your teeth require regular oral care that includes brushing regularly (in the morning and before bed), flossing and visiting your dentist for check-ups. Do not make a mistake in thinking that dental implants are any different. These implants are now your new teeth, don’t waste them too! It is important to brush and floss regularly to keep the remains of your meals off of them. After the procedure, your dentist and periodontist will work with care to help you have the best care plan. Routine checks will be scheduled to observe your gums, implants and teeth to see if their health is not compromised.

This is all you need to know about dental implants (if you don’t want to make them your job). Nevertheless, take care of your oral hygiene before you even need one, do not waste time and money and cause yourself pain when there is no need for it. Of course, no matter how well you take care of your teeth, at some point, you will need assistance from your dentist, but better later than now, right?